Sunday, November 1, 2020

Never Lose Hope


It is a challenge to live a Christ cantered life in this world. People around you will throw stones at you for not leading worldly life. Worldly lives mean the one who knows Christ and live according to his carnal satisfaction. They will insult you and try to put you down in all ways. In Mathew 5: 11, Jesus teaches “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.” Christ is encouraging you not to be depressed because of the evil people do against you. In verse 12 he says, “Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you”. Yes, your reward will be great in heaven.

The people who are against the saints or the ones who live Christ centred life, are the ones who have never experienced Christ in life. They may know Jesus, but have never given their heart to Christ. So when you walk in Christ, others might not like your ways, but be confident that you are a child of God. “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him1 John 3: 1

Worldly people look at you to find out a loss or failure in your life. They will embarrass you and insult you taking the name of Jesus. But be confident and have hope and faith. In the book of Revelation, John saw people wearing white robe and were holding palm branches in their hands and were crying out loud – “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne and to the Lamb”. They were the one who had to go through all the tribulations in the earth. Revelation 7: 9-17. Just imagine yourself among them. Build faith accordingly and stand firm in the midst of loss and failures, when the evil point fingers at you. Never leave the faith and hope in Christ Jesus

In the life of David we see when he had to face the toughest time, he wrote in Psalm 34, “I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice

Let the Spirit of God encourage you, motivate you and provide you the faith and hope to have the same heart as that of king David and see yourself being with the Angels and Elders praising God in eternity.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Temple of The Lord


When you say temple of God, we might think about an architectural building. But see what our Lord is saying through his word – “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you” (1 Corinthians 3:16).

Our God is considering us different from the rest of the world. If you are a child of the most Holy one, you are his temple and he lives in you. Of course, to be his child you need to confess your sins and ask him for the forgiveness from your sin and ask him to wash you by the blood of Christ Jesus who died for sinners.

This is the difference that God wants us to have from rest of the world. But most of the people who claim themselves as Christians are almost equal to those who are not. Now, how you become equal with them is that you are not keeping your body the temple of the Holy Spirit. See, you might think, ok I believe in Christ and I go to church regularly and take part in all the spiritual activities. But then analyze yourself, whether your body is a temple of God?

Analyzing yourself means, not only the outer body, but the inner soul. No one knows the inner soul except God. You can cheat the world, but not God. He is very particular about his word as you see – “you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:20). God know what you think, your desires, your dreams and all you have in you secret mind. Now you can be a holy person before others. But just analyze how big sin you are doing. Scripture will show you that.

God has told our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Just see what he is telling about the Holy Spirit. “Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever says a word against the son of man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come” (Mathew 12:31). Any sin can be forgiven, except the sin against the Holy Spirit. There’s no doubt that Jesus said it as it is mentioned in Mathew, Mark and Luke. You can be a godly person outside, but your sin may not be forgiven in this age or in the age to come. So Beware.

As it refers to as a temple, when we look at a Church, everyone wants to have their church very perfect. That means inward and outward. Yes our God also means the same. When he means honor your body, it means your outside and inside. Inside soul can be seen by God and it reflects to the world. Outside appearance of temple can be seen by humans. I am telling about your physical appearance. God has given us a body to be his temple, not only to maintain our heart pure, but also to keep and maintain your physical body fit for his service. To a church which is about to fall, people will find it difficult to go. Same way you need to keep yourself fit for your journey towards eternity.

How to build your body a temple of Holy Spirit? You need to have a close walk with God. We see people you walked with God. (Genesis 5:24Enoch, Genesis 6:9Noah). Have a passion to read and study his word and have a one on one communication with him. Never boast about your worldly pleasures as God has sent us to preach his word and his cross, not our riches. “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to world” (Galatians 6:14).

Be close with God through fasting and praying to keep your body clean from trials and temptations. “Even now, declares the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning” (Joel 2:12). Keep yourself clean from the demonic world. Do regular exercises to keep your physical body fit. God has given us a physical body and it is our duty to keep it and maintain it. Exercise regularly. Never spoil your body. Spoil it in the hands of Lord. But as you are in this world keep it fit to be a warrior of the one who is above all. May God bless you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Sinner Saved

Sinner saved by Grace, is a quote which we can find everywhere in the Bible, from the first man to the present generation.

The world is filled with hypocrite people who do not accept the ones who try to come out of their mistakes. But when you open the word of God and read it, we find people whom God gave a second chance and saved them.

One such person is a lady called Mary Magdalene. We see her as a sinful woman in the book of Luke 7 and 8. She found out Jesus and her life changed. She was possessed with demons, but Christ healed and saved her and took her and others along with his disciples. Even after Christ resurrected from the death, He appeared to her and she went and told the good news to His disciples (John 20)

In the Gospel of John 8, we see a woman caught in Adultery being brought in front of Jesus. Instead of judging her, Jesus told her – Go and sin no more. That changed her life. She went and told everybody about the grace of Jesus. She can be called as the first ambassador of Christ.

David, one of the celebrity King of Israel did adultery and to hide it, he got involved in killing the lady’s husband (2 Samuel 12). But once he was revealed about the sin, he confessed it before God and asked for forgiveness. God not only forgave him but He called David as the man after God’s own heart (Acts 13: 22).

Saul, the first king of Israel was a perfect man (1 Samuel 9). He did a small mistake, but did not repent or confessed about it. The God who knew his heart threw him out of the throne and rejected him (1 Samuel 15).

God is our creator and He knows our heart. He knows about our thoughts and intention. He knows our repentance and our proudness. He knows our ego and humbleness.

The bible tells about sin as “whoever conceals their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy” – Proverbs 28: 13.

In the same way Jesus says in Luke 15, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God.

Jesus Christ came to the world as a sacrifice to sins of the world, so as to give salvation and make the men righteous with God. But the one who comes to Christ should repent of their sins. Acts 28: 19, says, Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.

There are people who are struggling to live because of the guiltiness of their sins. Jesus Christ came and took all the punishment for your sins. You should understand that your sins are forgiven. Only thing you need to do is to confess it before God and ask Him to forgive. Once God forgives your sin, He forgets it also.

Once you repent, you will be free from sin and when you understand saviour Jesus and accept him, your life will be controlled by the Spirit of God. You will see peace in your heart and from nothing you will be guided to take decisions that will be a blessing to you and you will become a powerful blessing to others.

May The Lord touch you and save you to be blessed and be a blessing in Jesus name

Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Change

The God who created the Heavens and Earth is a God of compassion. He is slow to anger and rich in love and he will be near to whomever who call on him in truth (Psalm 145).

In the Old Testament we see the life of Jacob, who cheated his brother, got the blessings escaped for his life. While on the run, he met God in a dream that changed him. Once you meet God, your life starts changing. While returning to his brother, he was very afraid. In Genesis 32 we find that Jacob was in deep trouble and he wrestles with God and God changed him to Israel. This shows the love of God towards mankind. When a person follows Him, God is compassionate towards the follower. The children of Jacob / Israel are called as the chosen children of God.

When Jesus Christ was on the world, in Mathew 14, he heard tragic news about the death of John the Baptist. He felt very sad and went to a solitary place. But the multitudes also followed him. Even in that sad moment in His life, He fell compassion upon the people and healed them. He also did miracle and fed 5000 men, women and children with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.

When you follow God and listens to him, He will make an everlasting covenant with you (Isaiah 55).
When your feet do not stumble while following Him, He will answer you when you call upon him and hear your prayer and supplications (Psalms 17)

The greatest blessings a man can have in this word are to get his sins forgiven (Psalms 32). “Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin in the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit”

To be forgiven from sin, you just need to repent your sins before God. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all wickedness (1 John 1:9).

When you go through tough times in life, always remember, there is a God who can change your situation. You just need to repent your sins, accept the grace Jesus gave you by sacrificing himself on the cross for your sins, and claim that salvation. Call upon the Lord, receive his word and overcome the world in Jesus name

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Ascension Teaches

In the Bible, when you look at the Gospel of Luke 24 end verses, you see Jesus Christ preparing to ascent to heaven. But before that He called His disciples and told them about events happened in His life. He told all things happened in His life according to the will of God and what was written according to the Law of Moses.

This clearly explains the life of a servant of God. When you follow Christ, your life will never be easy because you are going to fight against the darkness of devil. But according to this verse, everything is known to God, or written about your life. Once you live a faithful life as Christ lived, you are going to be honoured by God as He did to Jesus. Jesus was telling the same to His disciples.

But Jesus told the disciples to stay in the city until they are anointed by the Holy Spirit. They stayed continually at the temple and praised God (Luke 24: 44-53). One day suddenly Spirit of God came upon them and they were anointed (Acts 1: 1-11). As Christ told them, once they received the Holy Spirit, they went witnessing all over the places.

Jesus Christ is telling everyone the same truth. Once you receive him as your personal savior, wait upon the Lord, praise him and worship Him. At the appointed time, you will be anointed with the Holy Spirit. Once you are anointed, even you cannot hold yourself quite. The Spirit motivates you and provides you the strength to be a witness for Christ Jesus.

Jesus is going to come back the same way He went up. The Spirit of God is given to you to know more about Him with the wisdom and knowledge (Ephesians 1: 15-23). You need to use the gifts and fruits of the Spirit to be a blessing to the ones around you. In this way of leading them to Christ, always keep yourself Holy and pure before God, so that the God who sees you in quite times will help you grow in Jesus name 

Monday, June 1, 2020

The Visitation

In the gospel of Luke 1, you can find how an ordinary girl named Mary, got chosed to be the mother of Jesus. Yes, Mary’s name is mentioned at the start of New Testament and from then on when you check her life, it was clean, and you will find that everything she did was blessed.

So why did God chosed her? The answer is simple. She was a humble person whom God trusted. Even after she got the good news that she is going to be the mother of the savior, she was humble and praised and sang glory to the Lord.

When God’s grace is shown more on your life, don’t think that you are higher than anyone. When God use you in a particular way, don’t show pride. Everyone have different gifts and God wants everyone to use their gifts for God’s glory (Romans 12). When you have the authority of God, don’t curse, but bless everyone, even the one who persecutes you. You need to take steps to associate with the people who are in low position, encourage them and provide help and motivation for them to come up in life. In doing so, you are glorifying God with the gifts and fruits he has given to you.

Mary was not proud, but was humble and sang praise to God. When you see 1 Samuel 2, you see almost similar praise from Hannah, the mother of Prophet Samuel. In just one read, you can understand how Mary was attached to the word of God. No wonder God chosed her.

Same way God is still choosing people to show His glory through them. He wants people who are humble and who always praises him. If you feel that you are good for nothing, accept Christ, repent all your sins to Jesus and follow him by reading his word and living a humble life. Read Psalm 113, sing and praise God with hope and see how He is going to honor your faith.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Abundance in Suffering

After almost 2 to 3 months of lock down around the world, everyone is just getting adjusted with the pandemic Covid19. At this time the saddest news to hear is about the leaders and priests of religious organizations asking governments to allow them to open their worship places. In fact some governments, have given orders to open the worship places in the midst of this horrible situation, just to get popularity and support from the people which then can be transferred as votes in the future elections.

Book of Acts is considered as one of the most important book in New Testament churches, because you can see the history of first church and more about Christian worship. In the same book (Acts 17: 22-31), Spirit of God tells never to use an image and worship. Especially the book tells that God who made the world and everything does not live in temples. The Lord who created everything does not need anything from human hands. Rather, He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.

God sees everyone and know about the intentions of everybody’s heart (Psalm 66). There are people who act like believers, go to worship places, but live a worldly life. For those people, now its difficult time, because they can’t act and show their spirituality. But a true believer worships God every moment in his life. It doesn’t matter whether there is a worship place, or whether he is in his house, bus stop or anywhere. For true believers, this lock down does not affect their spiritual life. In Acts 16 we read about Paul and Silas worshiping God in prison

When people who live a faithful Christ centred life are being questioned for not raising voice against governments about the shutdown of worship place, they need to act according to your clear conscience and word of God. You can worship God wherever you want, so think about whether you want to risk people’s life and spread the virus, if there is. 1 Peter 3, tells it is better to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.

Money is a problem for the head of worship places. But people who are faithful give their tithes and offering through electronic means.

The real concern of the heads is not about money. It’s about the head count. Charismatic churches are competing each other about the count of memberships and people attending the services. It is a sad truth. Now at this time, they are worried that their count might go down.

According to the book of Acts 17, everyone should accept wisdom from God and use common sense in life in worshiping and praising God. If a calamity is waiting to happen when people gather together, use common sense and wisdom from God and avoid it.

May The Lord enable you to be close with him and help you not to create any panic or danger that may affect the society and people around you

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Stay in Prayer

The word of God says to stay calm and pray before getting an answer from The Lord.

Before ascension, Jesus appeared to his disciples over a period of 40 days. He was strengthening them in their faith (Acts 1)

Apostle Peter says in 1 Peter 4; when tests come in life, don’t be surprised. Don’t ever think that since you follow Christ you will be free from test. Instead rejoice and participate along with the suffering of Christ.

The enemy is a hard worker. It will do everything to take away your attention from God. It might tempt you with lust of the world so you will hide from God. In Bible and in the history you can find men of God failing this test. 1 Peter 5, says, resist him by standing firm in faith. All believers of Jesus go through same problem. So when you follow Christ and are faced with a problem, rejoice that you are being accepted as a follower of Christ.

The word says to cast all your insults and problems at the feet of God. Always beware about how the enemy tries to tempt you. Only way to be strong and have a good mind to understand temptation is by spending time with God.

After Jesus resurrected, he did not ask the disciples to go and proclaim the gospel to everyone (Acts 1) but instead He told them to wait and pray for the Holy Spirit to witness. When the Spirit of God is in you, the enemy finds tough to overpower you. Of course you will be attacked, but it cannot defeat you.

Once the disciples received the Spirit of God on the day of Pentecost, they became bold and stronger in faith and went to witness Jesus. When you are filled with the Spirit of God, enemies will be scattered, and the wicked will perish in front of you (Psalm 68).

At this time, if the enemy try to trouble your life, pray and be filled with the Spirit of God, and proclaim the power of God to see the same enemies fleeing before you. May God bless and protect you.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Called out of Darkness

God wants everyone to know him and have a communion with him. Since sin came to world, the communication between man and God became impossible. So God’s only son Jesus came to the world as Human, lived a sinless life and took all the sins of man and died as a sacrifice to redeem man kind.

Through this sacrifice God showed a way for everyone to know him. Anyone who see Jesus and accept him has seen Father God (John 14). Bible tells us that no one can go to father except through Jesus. When you accept Jesus as your savior, you will be saved from your sins. Once you are in Jesus, you will do the same works he did. You will live a sin-free life and God will be pleased with you when you ask anything in Jesus name

This world is termed as sinful according to the Bible. So the people who are living in this sinful world inherit that sins and continue to sin more. So according to 1 Peter 2, this sinful world is a world of darkness.

Some of the characteristics that the people in darkness are hypocrisy, jealousy, unkind speech and deceit. But the creator wants all the people to get out from this sin and be saved because according to the heavenly law the sinners are going to be put to eternal death. 

Once when you are in Jesus, the Bible says in 1 Peter 2, you are like a new born baby. You need spiritual milk to grow. You need help from other believers to grow in Christ. But once you are matured in Christ, there in no need of a spiritual milk, instead you will have to face tests to grow.

You can see in the book of Job how he face test in his life in his walk with God. Same way, even Jesus had to go through rejection and trials from his own people. When you are matured in Christ, you will face opposition from your own people. In that situation you need to remember that you are God’s possession and you are called out of darkness into God’s wonderful light.

In Acts 7, we see how Stephen was stoned to death by Jewish leaders. When they were at him, he was full of the Spirit of God. When you are matured in Christ, when persecution arouses, you need to be in the Spirit of God. Even though he was in Spirit, he died as a martyr. He never cursed the ones who were against him, but he prayed for their salvation, and he was sure where he is going to go, saw the glory of God and told he is laying His spirit unto Gods hand. The life of a matured believer.

Stephen’s life doesn’t mean that we should not ask God to rescue us, but it shows us that in troubled times, you need to be in control of who you are.

At the same time, you need to ask God for protection. According to Psalms 31, ask God to turn his ear and listen to you, ask him to pull you out of the trap of enemies, rescue you, save your spirit and ask his favor to shine on you.

May you be filled with the fruits and gifts of Spirit and let the Spirit of God guide you to live a matured life and shine for the glory of God.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Endure .. Do good .. Follow the Shepherd .. Be Safe

In the book of 1 Peter 2, the Apostle talks about doing good, even it means suffering, just as Christ suffered. Yes, when you follow Christ don’t think everything is going to be fine and good. Christ suffered in this world and we who are followers are sheep and He is the shepherd. Sheep will follow its shepherd.

Some characteristics Jesus showed in the midst of suffering.
·        He never sinned
·        Never deceiver anyone
·        Did not retaliate when he was insulted
·        Did not threaten revenge when he suffered

Only thing he did in the midst of suffering was he left everything to God. The God who sees everything lifted him above all and the same place where he was insulted and suffered, he is going to come back to rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

We are called to follow our shepherd (John 10). When hard times hit your life, don’t get emotional and react instantly, but pull yourself together, show patience, always think about Christ who suffered the same. Follow him and do the same, God will restore your lost and help you to overcome all situations.

In early church, Apostles and believers had to suffer because of following Jesus. But they met together and praised God with great joy and generosity (Acts 2). What happened as a result was, each day Lord added to their fellowship. People were getting saved each day. Same is being going through many parts of the world. Followers of Jesus are persecuted and humiliated. But in the midst of all, they are praising God and worshiping him and people are being saved and are added.

At this time, when the world is going through tough time, economy going down, people losing jobs, relationships breaking down, it’s time to remember that you are sheep and you need to follow your shepherd to be safe.

Now days, all prayer requests that come are from believers who lost their jobs. According to 1 Peter 2, endure and do good, follow your shepherd in faith. You are going to see light at the end of the tunnel.

Now, if you don’t know this shepherd and sheep reference, just understand sheep follow their shepherd to be safe. Jesus Christ is the shepherd and everyone sheep. All sheep that follow Christ is going to be safe. If you don’t know this Jesus, and want to know him, just repent all your sins to him while reading this, ask him to forgive you, and accept him as your saviour who took the punishment for all your sins. Download a Bible, start reading from New Testament and know about Jesus. Pray all your needs and ask everything in Jesus name. Follow him, hang in there, Do good and Be safe.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Repent and Call

As the world is going through lockdown to stop the spread of Covid19, Repent is the word that is often mentioned by religious and spiritual leaders.

Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus tells about the salvation through Christ. In 1 Peter 1, he testifies that God saved his children not through any gold or silver, but by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. So if anyone wants to know God, it can be only through Jesus because he is the only mediator between men and God. Once when you start accepting Jesus Christ as your saviour, you are born again and your faith and hope will be in God rather than any man/woman on the world.

When you are born again, Christ will live in your life. Without your knowledge he will guide you, teach you and help you in all your deeds through His Spirit. It does not mean that you will not have sorrows or distress in life. But when these problems come, you will call upon the Lord who saved you with salvation (Psalm 116).

As mentioned above, salvation is been provided through the blood of Christ Jesus. You cannot be close with God without salvation.

Getting saved is a very easy process. But many fail in that. People believe that if they have a Christian name, they are saved. Sorry, they are not.

How much sinner you are, other than you and God, no one knows. So according to Acts 2, Peter tells to the people to repent upon their sins to God, not man. Repent and accept the fact that Jesus died for these sins you have done, and through accepting Jesus as your personal saviour, you are saved, your sins are forgiven and forgotten by God.

May The Lord help you who read this to take this bold step to repent and accept Christ as their saviour and be saved and have a blessed life in Jesus name.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

UnExpected Peace

After Jesus was crucified and one of his disciples, Judas hanged himself, the other disciples got scared of public and they tried to hide themselves from the world. They met behind locked doors. They feared of their life and public embarrassment. But in the midst of this the resurrected Jesus showed up with the wounds and told them peace be with you. He showed up his wounds to them and once again told them peace be with you. Even after seeing Jesus the disciples feared to go outside. Eight days later when Apostle Thomas was there with the disciples, Jesus showed up once again and told them peace be with them. He also breathed on them to receive the Holy Spirit (John 20: 19-31)

In this world, a faithful believer of Christ will go through trials and temptations. In 1 Peter 1 the disciple says a born again believer will live with great expectation and inheritance that’s kept in heaven. So believer’s focus will be on the inheritance in heaven. A faithful believer is tested as fire tests and purify gold. God tells the faith of a faithful believer is more precious than gold.

When you go through trials, your faith and hope in God is projected and exposed. When a believer’s faith overpowers his situation, the unexpected peace of Jesus will fill his soul and mind. As the disciples were frightened and then experienced the peace in Jesus, you will be filled with the peace, one of the fruits of Holy Spirit, our comforter.

Urging you to keep faith and hope that God holds your tomorrow and always expect peace and miracles from God as you read and meditate His word every day.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday - Holy Week

Today, Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the Holy Week. This week the believers should be meditating and thinking about the humble nature of Christ, who left the Heavenly place and came to earth, lived a poor life and died on the cross for our sins.

The Holy week starts with Palm Sunday (Mathew 21: 1-11), with Jesus entering Jerusalem in a donkey. Usually Kings will travel in horse, but Jesus, even though being the King of Kings; he humbled most and came in a donkey. People were praising him, some placing their cloaks on road and others cut branches from trees and spread on the road.

Jesus did not considered equality with God, but humbled himself by taking nature of a servant and came to humans. This week is considered as Holy one, because this week Jesus was crucified and because of His crucifixion, the ones who believe in him are free from their sins (Philippians 2)

Some people fast and pray this week to show their humbleness towards God and His love.

At this time, it is very important to know about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Why, because when Jesus ascended to Heaven, He gave us the Holy Spirit as our comforter and we should obey the Spirit to live a life pleasing to God.

Speaking in tongues is one gift of the Spirit. Some people consider only this gift and without any botheration join together and pray. Knowledge and Wisdom are also gifts of the Spirit. At this point of a time where social distancing is much needed, everyone should use that knowledge and wisdom and isolate themselves and pray to God and meditate upon the humility of Christ.

When you look at the fruits of Holy Spirit, self-control is one among them. Whatever gifts you possess, if you are not having this self-control, you are going to be a curse to the people and the world, where you are to be a blessing.

When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” – Mathew 6:6

In these days of lockdown, it is better to be isolated and be in the presence of God this Holy week. Last 2 months was very horrible throughout the world, and even though many countries declared social distancing, some irresponsible uncontrolled people broke everything and because of them the virus got spread to a large extent.

May The Lord help fill you with His fruits and gifts as you read and meditate His word this week to stay Holy and safe and be a blessing to everyone.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Remain Faithful

There are times in your life when you go through tough situations and you might not see your prayers getting answered. This is the situation around the world now. Believers are praying and the total number of covid19 cases and deaths are increasing. At this time the atheists are making fun of believers about the presence of God

In the Gospel of John, it mentions if you remain faithful to the teachings of Christ, you will know the truth. There will be tough times in life, to change your life, not the situation. Sometimes the toughest situation which you go through may not change, but in trusting God and remaining faithful to him, changes your life.  The truth shall set you free (John 8:31-42). There are people who do sin and does bad against the people of God. When the child of God pray to stop these problems, the problems might not stop, the evil people might not stop evil, but the child of God will see the glory of God in his life. The peace God that is provided in a bad situation is more than the situation.

In the book of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar gave an order to everyone to bow down before a statue. But 3 children of God did not obey (Daniel 3: 14-28). Nebuchadnezzar told them he will put them into a blazing furnace if they don’t. They told him, if he throws them into the blazing furnace, the God whom they serve is able to deliver them from it. But if not, still they will bow down to the true God. That is powerful faith that the 3 men had even after knowing that they might die. But God protected them.

Always remember that we are not in this world to enjoy it, but to enjoy God and His presence. When tough things like this comes in life, obey the laws of the land, keep your faith in God, strengthen your hope, enlighten your understanding and increase your faith.

May The Lord help you to stay calm, obey the laws of land, stay home, keep faith and stay strong in Jesus name

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Clean and Free

As the world is temporary shutdown due to covid19, let this remind us how difficult it is to come out of a sin physically, spiritually and mentally.

In the book of John 4 we see a Samaritan woman who lived a sinful life. She met Jesus and He told her about her life and revealed He is the Messiah and those who come to him will be provided with living water, that they will never be thirsty again. She understood the savior and through faith in Christ salvation came to her life and she evangelized and brought the villagers to him. They also saw him and believed in him.

The bottom line is – sin comes to your life and gets stuck with your lifestyle. It may spread to others and from others to many. Only way to cleanse that sin which got stuck is through the blood of Jesus Christ. Once you believe in Jesus that He came to the world and died for the sins you did, His blood will wash and cleanse all your sins and you will be sin free and will restore your friendship with God, which was taken away by your sins.

Once you are in Christ, you will be hungry to lead others also towards Him. Your hunger will be met when you faithfully introduce Christ to others so that their sins could be washed by the same blood of Christ.

You may have to face problems and troubles more than what you have faced before. But as Paul writes in Romans 5, peace will fill your heart. Like a long distance runner, endurance will be developed and it leads to a faithful character in your life, which will shine for the glory of God. The hope and confidence will be your strength to move forward in life, in which your main goal will be to introduce this Jesus to others.

Be careful not to do evil which not only spoil your physical body, but your soul and your spiritual oneness in Jesus who died for your sins.

May The Spirit of God help you to live a life in God’s word and overcome the world to be a faithful servant.

May The Lord help you to have patience in this situation of Corona virus outbreak. Let us pray to God to save us physically as he did spiritually.