Sunday, April 26, 2020

Repent and Call

As the world is going through lockdown to stop the spread of Covid19, Repent is the word that is often mentioned by religious and spiritual leaders.

Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus tells about the salvation through Christ. In 1 Peter 1, he testifies that God saved his children not through any gold or silver, but by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. So if anyone wants to know God, it can be only through Jesus because he is the only mediator between men and God. Once when you start accepting Jesus Christ as your saviour, you are born again and your faith and hope will be in God rather than any man/woman on the world.

When you are born again, Christ will live in your life. Without your knowledge he will guide you, teach you and help you in all your deeds through His Spirit. It does not mean that you will not have sorrows or distress in life. But when these problems come, you will call upon the Lord who saved you with salvation (Psalm 116).

As mentioned above, salvation is been provided through the blood of Christ Jesus. You cannot be close with God without salvation.

Getting saved is a very easy process. But many fail in that. People believe that if they have a Christian name, they are saved. Sorry, they are not.

How much sinner you are, other than you and God, no one knows. So according to Acts 2, Peter tells to the people to repent upon their sins to God, not man. Repent and accept the fact that Jesus died for these sins you have done, and through accepting Jesus as your personal saviour, you are saved, your sins are forgiven and forgotten by God.

May The Lord help you who read this to take this bold step to repent and accept Christ as their saviour and be saved and have a blessed life in Jesus name.

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