Sunday, March 15, 2020

Clean and Free

As the world is temporary shutdown due to covid19, let this remind us how difficult it is to come out of a sin physically, spiritually and mentally.

In the book of John 4 we see a Samaritan woman who lived a sinful life. She met Jesus and He told her about her life and revealed He is the Messiah and those who come to him will be provided with living water, that they will never be thirsty again. She understood the savior and through faith in Christ salvation came to her life and she evangelized and brought the villagers to him. They also saw him and believed in him.

The bottom line is – sin comes to your life and gets stuck with your lifestyle. It may spread to others and from others to many. Only way to cleanse that sin which got stuck is through the blood of Jesus Christ. Once you believe in Jesus that He came to the world and died for the sins you did, His blood will wash and cleanse all your sins and you will be sin free and will restore your friendship with God, which was taken away by your sins.

Once you are in Christ, you will be hungry to lead others also towards Him. Your hunger will be met when you faithfully introduce Christ to others so that their sins could be washed by the same blood of Christ.

You may have to face problems and troubles more than what you have faced before. But as Paul writes in Romans 5, peace will fill your heart. Like a long distance runner, endurance will be developed and it leads to a faithful character in your life, which will shine for the glory of God. The hope and confidence will be your strength to move forward in life, in which your main goal will be to introduce this Jesus to others.

Be careful not to do evil which not only spoil your physical body, but your soul and your spiritual oneness in Jesus who died for your sins.

May The Spirit of God help you to live a life in God’s word and overcome the world to be a faithful servant.

May The Lord help you to have patience in this situation of Corona virus outbreak. Let us pray to God to save us physically as he did spiritually.

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