Sunday, May 24, 2020

Stay in Prayer

The word of God says to stay calm and pray before getting an answer from The Lord.

Before ascension, Jesus appeared to his disciples over a period of 40 days. He was strengthening them in their faith (Acts 1)

Apostle Peter says in 1 Peter 4; when tests come in life, don’t be surprised. Don’t ever think that since you follow Christ you will be free from test. Instead rejoice and participate along with the suffering of Christ.

The enemy is a hard worker. It will do everything to take away your attention from God. It might tempt you with lust of the world so you will hide from God. In Bible and in the history you can find men of God failing this test. 1 Peter 5, says, resist him by standing firm in faith. All believers of Jesus go through same problem. So when you follow Christ and are faced with a problem, rejoice that you are being accepted as a follower of Christ.

The word says to cast all your insults and problems at the feet of God. Always beware about how the enemy tries to tempt you. Only way to be strong and have a good mind to understand temptation is by spending time with God.

After Jesus resurrected, he did not ask the disciples to go and proclaim the gospel to everyone (Acts 1) but instead He told them to wait and pray for the Holy Spirit to witness. When the Spirit of God is in you, the enemy finds tough to overpower you. Of course you will be attacked, but it cannot defeat you.

Once the disciples received the Spirit of God on the day of Pentecost, they became bold and stronger in faith and went to witness Jesus. When you are filled with the Spirit of God, enemies will be scattered, and the wicked will perish in front of you (Psalm 68).

At this time, if the enemy try to trouble your life, pray and be filled with the Spirit of God, and proclaim the power of God to see the same enemies fleeing before you. May God bless and protect you.

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