Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Ascension Teaches

In the Bible, when you look at the Gospel of Luke 24 end verses, you see Jesus Christ preparing to ascent to heaven. But before that He called His disciples and told them about events happened in His life. He told all things happened in His life according to the will of God and what was written according to the Law of Moses.

This clearly explains the life of a servant of God. When you follow Christ, your life will never be easy because you are going to fight against the darkness of devil. But according to this verse, everything is known to God, or written about your life. Once you live a faithful life as Christ lived, you are going to be honoured by God as He did to Jesus. Jesus was telling the same to His disciples.

But Jesus told the disciples to stay in the city until they are anointed by the Holy Spirit. They stayed continually at the temple and praised God (Luke 24: 44-53). One day suddenly Spirit of God came upon them and they were anointed (Acts 1: 1-11). As Christ told them, once they received the Holy Spirit, they went witnessing all over the places.

Jesus Christ is telling everyone the same truth. Once you receive him as your personal savior, wait upon the Lord, praise him and worship Him. At the appointed time, you will be anointed with the Holy Spirit. Once you are anointed, even you cannot hold yourself quite. The Spirit motivates you and provides you the strength to be a witness for Christ Jesus.

Jesus is going to come back the same way He went up. The Spirit of God is given to you to know more about Him with the wisdom and knowledge (Ephesians 1: 15-23). You need to use the gifts and fruits of the Spirit to be a blessing to the ones around you. In this way of leading them to Christ, always keep yourself Holy and pure before God, so that the God who sees you in quite times will help you grow in Jesus name 

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