Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Sinner Saved

Sinner saved by Grace, is a quote which we can find everywhere in the Bible, from the first man to the present generation.

The world is filled with hypocrite people who do not accept the ones who try to come out of their mistakes. But when you open the word of God and read it, we find people whom God gave a second chance and saved them.

One such person is a lady called Mary Magdalene. We see her as a sinful woman in the book of Luke 7 and 8. She found out Jesus and her life changed. She was possessed with demons, but Christ healed and saved her and took her and others along with his disciples. Even after Christ resurrected from the death, He appeared to her and she went and told the good news to His disciples (John 20)

In the Gospel of John 8, we see a woman caught in Adultery being brought in front of Jesus. Instead of judging her, Jesus told her – Go and sin no more. That changed her life. She went and told everybody about the grace of Jesus. She can be called as the first ambassador of Christ.

David, one of the celebrity King of Israel did adultery and to hide it, he got involved in killing the lady’s husband (2 Samuel 12). But once he was revealed about the sin, he confessed it before God and asked for forgiveness. God not only forgave him but He called David as the man after God’s own heart (Acts 13: 22).

Saul, the first king of Israel was a perfect man (1 Samuel 9). He did a small mistake, but did not repent or confessed about it. The God who knew his heart threw him out of the throne and rejected him (1 Samuel 15).

God is our creator and He knows our heart. He knows about our thoughts and intention. He knows our repentance and our proudness. He knows our ego and humbleness.

The bible tells about sin as “whoever conceals their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy” – Proverbs 28: 13.

In the same way Jesus says in Luke 15, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God.

Jesus Christ came to the world as a sacrifice to sins of the world, so as to give salvation and make the men righteous with God. But the one who comes to Christ should repent of their sins. Acts 28: 19, says, Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.

There are people who are struggling to live because of the guiltiness of their sins. Jesus Christ came and took all the punishment for your sins. You should understand that your sins are forgiven. Only thing you need to do is to confess it before God and ask Him to forgive. Once God forgives your sin, He forgets it also.

Once you repent, you will be free from sin and when you understand saviour Jesus and accept him, your life will be controlled by the Spirit of God. You will see peace in your heart and from nothing you will be guided to take decisions that will be a blessing to you and you will become a powerful blessing to others.

May The Lord touch you and save you to be blessed and be a blessing in Jesus name

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