Sunday, April 19, 2020

UnExpected Peace

After Jesus was crucified and one of his disciples, Judas hanged himself, the other disciples got scared of public and they tried to hide themselves from the world. They met behind locked doors. They feared of their life and public embarrassment. But in the midst of this the resurrected Jesus showed up with the wounds and told them peace be with you. He showed up his wounds to them and once again told them peace be with you. Even after seeing Jesus the disciples feared to go outside. Eight days later when Apostle Thomas was there with the disciples, Jesus showed up once again and told them peace be with them. He also breathed on them to receive the Holy Spirit (John 20: 19-31)

In this world, a faithful believer of Christ will go through trials and temptations. In 1 Peter 1 the disciple says a born again believer will live with great expectation and inheritance that’s kept in heaven. So believer’s focus will be on the inheritance in heaven. A faithful believer is tested as fire tests and purify gold. God tells the faith of a faithful believer is more precious than gold.

When you go through trials, your faith and hope in God is projected and exposed. When a believer’s faith overpowers his situation, the unexpected peace of Jesus will fill his soul and mind. As the disciples were frightened and then experienced the peace in Jesus, you will be filled with the peace, one of the fruits of Holy Spirit, our comforter.

Urging you to keep faith and hope that God holds your tomorrow and always expect peace and miracles from God as you read and meditate His word every day.

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