Saturday, May 16, 2020

Called out of Darkness

God wants everyone to know him and have a communion with him. Since sin came to world, the communication between man and God became impossible. So God’s only son Jesus came to the world as Human, lived a sinless life and took all the sins of man and died as a sacrifice to redeem man kind.

Through this sacrifice God showed a way for everyone to know him. Anyone who see Jesus and accept him has seen Father God (John 14). Bible tells us that no one can go to father except through Jesus. When you accept Jesus as your savior, you will be saved from your sins. Once you are in Jesus, you will do the same works he did. You will live a sin-free life and God will be pleased with you when you ask anything in Jesus name

This world is termed as sinful according to the Bible. So the people who are living in this sinful world inherit that sins and continue to sin more. So according to 1 Peter 2, this sinful world is a world of darkness.

Some of the characteristics that the people in darkness are hypocrisy, jealousy, unkind speech and deceit. But the creator wants all the people to get out from this sin and be saved because according to the heavenly law the sinners are going to be put to eternal death. 

Once when you are in Jesus, the Bible says in 1 Peter 2, you are like a new born baby. You need spiritual milk to grow. You need help from other believers to grow in Christ. But once you are matured in Christ, there in no need of a spiritual milk, instead you will have to face tests to grow.

You can see in the book of Job how he face test in his life in his walk with God. Same way, even Jesus had to go through rejection and trials from his own people. When you are matured in Christ, you will face opposition from your own people. In that situation you need to remember that you are God’s possession and you are called out of darkness into God’s wonderful light.

In Acts 7, we see how Stephen was stoned to death by Jewish leaders. When they were at him, he was full of the Spirit of God. When you are matured in Christ, when persecution arouses, you need to be in the Spirit of God. Even though he was in Spirit, he died as a martyr. He never cursed the ones who were against him, but he prayed for their salvation, and he was sure where he is going to go, saw the glory of God and told he is laying His spirit unto Gods hand. The life of a matured believer.

Stephen’s life doesn’t mean that we should not ask God to rescue us, but it shows us that in troubled times, you need to be in control of who you are.

At the same time, you need to ask God for protection. According to Psalms 31, ask God to turn his ear and listen to you, ask him to pull you out of the trap of enemies, rescue you, save your spirit and ask his favor to shine on you.

May you be filled with the fruits and gifts of Spirit and let the Spirit of God guide you to live a matured life and shine for the glory of God.

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