Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Remain Faithful

There are times in your life when you go through tough situations and you might not see your prayers getting answered. This is the situation around the world now. Believers are praying and the total number of covid19 cases and deaths are increasing. At this time the atheists are making fun of believers about the presence of God

In the Gospel of John, it mentions if you remain faithful to the teachings of Christ, you will know the truth. There will be tough times in life, to change your life, not the situation. Sometimes the toughest situation which you go through may not change, but in trusting God and remaining faithful to him, changes your life.  The truth shall set you free (John 8:31-42). There are people who do sin and does bad against the people of God. When the child of God pray to stop these problems, the problems might not stop, the evil people might not stop evil, but the child of God will see the glory of God in his life. The peace God that is provided in a bad situation is more than the situation.

In the book of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar gave an order to everyone to bow down before a statue. But 3 children of God did not obey (Daniel 3: 14-28). Nebuchadnezzar told them he will put them into a blazing furnace if they don’t. They told him, if he throws them into the blazing furnace, the God whom they serve is able to deliver them from it. But if not, still they will bow down to the true God. That is powerful faith that the 3 men had even after knowing that they might die. But God protected them.

Always remember that we are not in this world to enjoy it, but to enjoy God and His presence. When tough things like this comes in life, obey the laws of the land, keep your faith in God, strengthen your hope, enlighten your understanding and increase your faith.

May The Lord help you to stay calm, obey the laws of land, stay home, keep faith and stay strong in Jesus name

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