Monday, June 1, 2020

The Visitation

In the gospel of Luke 1, you can find how an ordinary girl named Mary, got chosed to be the mother of Jesus. Yes, Mary’s name is mentioned at the start of New Testament and from then on when you check her life, it was clean, and you will find that everything she did was blessed.

So why did God chosed her? The answer is simple. She was a humble person whom God trusted. Even after she got the good news that she is going to be the mother of the savior, she was humble and praised and sang glory to the Lord.

When God’s grace is shown more on your life, don’t think that you are higher than anyone. When God use you in a particular way, don’t show pride. Everyone have different gifts and God wants everyone to use their gifts for God’s glory (Romans 12). When you have the authority of God, don’t curse, but bless everyone, even the one who persecutes you. You need to take steps to associate with the people who are in low position, encourage them and provide help and motivation for them to come up in life. In doing so, you are glorifying God with the gifts and fruits he has given to you.

Mary was not proud, but was humble and sang praise to God. When you see 1 Samuel 2, you see almost similar praise from Hannah, the mother of Prophet Samuel. In just one read, you can understand how Mary was attached to the word of God. No wonder God chosed her.

Same way God is still choosing people to show His glory through them. He wants people who are humble and who always praises him. If you feel that you are good for nothing, accept Christ, repent all your sins to Jesus and follow him by reading his word and living a humble life. Read Psalm 113, sing and praise God with hope and see how He is going to honor your faith.

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