Monday, March 13, 2017

The BOOK – Second Law

In this book, Deuteronomy, God is telling us through Moses to be doers of the word, and not hearers only. This is an important book for us to study about the blessings and curses. Just recently I read a book on Blessings and Curses by Derek Prince which was based on this word from God. This book shows the blessings of obedience and the curse of disobedience. 

This book shows blessings which depends on obedience – life, possession of Promise Land, Victory over foes, prosperity and happiness. This book is also a collection of the orations and songs of Moses he gave as a farewell to Israel.  Moses once again reminds the people what God had done to them and what they were to do to server God when they reach the promise land.

This is the last of the five books written by Moses, called “Pentateuch”, meaning five books. Genesis tells the beginning of the chosen nation, Exodus relates the people to a nation and gives law, Leviticus tells the way the people were to worship God, Numbers gives the story of the their wanderings and Deuteronomy relates the final preparation for entering the Promised Land. Of course Moses was the writer, but not the author of Pentateuch. It is the Lord who is the author. 

We can find this book of obedience being a weapon for Christ Jesus when faced with the devil. (Mathew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13, Deuteronomy 8:3, 6:16, 6:13 and 10:20). As for a Christian, this book leads him the same way he reads and understands the Epistles, which will help him grow spiritually if he practises it. 

People don’t like to hear or no one wants to be told he or she is a sinner. I have seen people who sins, have a great explanation – through grace we are saved. Yes, we are saved by grace through Christ Jesus. But once you are Christ’s it is your duty to do good and remain faithful. For leading a Spirit-filled life, this book helps a person march ahead to reach the promise Land and serve God.

May God Bless you.

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