Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The BOOK – History

It is God’s to give and it’s ours to possess! From the Book of Joshua, we are starting the books of History. This book gives us the encouragement and wisdom to know about the spiritual truth. This book relates the settlement of the children of Israel in Canaan, proving God’s faithfulness in keeping his promise with Abraham.

If you check the name of Joshua, it is Hoshea, meaning salvation or Jeshoshua, the Lords salvation. Joshua’s life tells how we should be as a warrior of God, be always prepared to take the army and move forward. The chosen people were led into the Promise Land by Joshua. We see in this book how Israel overcame all occupies in the land God promised them. 

Joshua completes what Moses began. Almighty never leave his work unfinished. We should always think, we are one among his solders and the crafts man always has another tool sharpened and ready for use. The nation that was led out by Moses was led in by Joshua. Moses was dead, but God’s voice was still speaking through Joshua. In New Testament, Apostle Paul is dead, but the cross he preached abides. People may perish, but the true leader, though invisible, is on the field and will never fail. We are all just a part in Christian service. Do your little part and do not care if it is not singled out.

When great hearts fail, faint hearts will flee. Israelites would have planned to run back to the desert. But Joshua got up and led Israel into blessing. God was with Joshua as he was with Moses. We see many mighty miracles happening when Israel was in the Promised Land. God was preparing Joshua for years in leadership. He was there along with Moses and was the one almost stoned to death because he urged Israel to advance into Canaan. (Num 14:6-10).

As you read and study this book, remember this book have two parts
·         Conquest of the Promise Land (Joshua 1-12)
·         Occupation of the Promised Land (Joshua 13-24)

I pray that you study this book and understand how God will do his work, even through the one who is being out-casted by public, Amen.

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