Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The BOOK – Forward March

In the book of Joshua, from the third chapter to fifth chapter, we see the forward march of Israel at the Promised Land. Encouraged by the report from the spies, they moved from Jordan. Then the appointed leaders (officers) passed through the camp and ordered all to watch the Ark and follow it. In Joshua 3:5, we see Joshua telling people to sanctify themselves to see the wonders God is going to provide them. They were following the cloud in wilderness and now they are following the Ark of the Covenant, which represents the presence of Jehovah.

At the beginning of the Exodus, from Egypt, there was a crossing of the Red Sea. At the close of Exodus, there is a crossing of the Jordan River. In these two memorable events, Joshua and Caleb were the only two who were there to experience it, because of their faith in God. Both the times, their way was closed in front of them and they were not able to move forward. God made a way for them. Yes, God has a way. Even if you think you don’t have a way ahead in your life or career, submit yourself in the hands of God, he always has a way for you. Martin Luther said, I know not the way Christ leads me, but well do I know my Guide.

In your life, you may lose Job or people may leave from your life and go, or your children may go along with the worldly pleasures, which may lead you towards depression. Just hold on a minute and listen – The God who created you and loves you is having a way for you in your life. 

In New Testament we see Jesus Christ telling a man with a withered arm to do what he could not do – to stretch it forth. The man made an attempt and he got healed. In earthly view, to get out of an addition or evil friendship, it is impossible. But Christ tells you to take a step forward, and he will do the rest in taking you to his side. 

Joshua told the priests to take the Ark and step into the Jordan, when the river was overflowing all its banks. When the soles of their feet touched the waters of Jordan, they stood on dry ground. God is expert in doing the impossible! Ark is the symbol of divine Presence and Christ is the reality of the divine presence. Christ goes before us and says – Follow me and he sends the Holy Spirit to whisper in our ear and say – This is the way, walk in it. If you surrender your life to Christ, he will guide you in the little as well as the great things in life. 

If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm” – Psalm 37:23.

We also see the stones were taken up and kept it on the other side as a memorial of their great deliverer. We see Israelites left Egypt at the time of Passover and after 40 years they entered the Promised Land at the time of Passover.

As you go through the book of Joshua 3 to 5, I encourage you in Christ Jesus to not get discouraged in the wall or a river in front of you. Have faith in Christ and live unto him and hear his voice telling you to go through the wall and river and you will see the wall moving and the river drying, for you to move forward. Amen.

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