Monday, March 20, 2017

The BOOK – Looking Out

In the end chapters of Deuteronomy we see Moses’s third address to Israel. Here we see Moses giving the people some solemn warnings. Initially he told them about the blessings if they are obedient and then he told them the results of disobedience. 

Before 3000 years ago, God warned about the results of disobedience. Yes, we can see in history how Israel were scattered from one end of the earth to the other. We see Jewish history is full of persecution and tragedies. God foretold all this through Moses in Deuteronomy. 

Joshua was one who started the journey from Egypt and kept his faith throughout. Now at eighty years he got the leadership from Moses. The one thing Moses gave to Joshua along with the leadership is the fact that – “The Lord is with you; be strong”. If God is present, fear is baseless. We see Moses singing songs to glorify God. We saw he singing song after the deliverance from Egypt and now towards the end of his life. As a Christian, we all should have songs in our lips. 

Then Moses went up to mount Nebo (Pisgah) and there God showed him the Promise Land. He died there and Lord buried him. No one knows where. Someone said God buried his burial. Once again we see Moses in the Bible. One day Jesus took Peter, James and John and climbed up Mount Hermon to the north of the sea of Galilee and then Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus about his coming death. (Mathew 17:1-3).

It is not important for us to know whether Moses wrote Deuteronomy 34 or whether Joshua added it later, the important fact is about the blessings and curses he gave depending upon our obedience. With respect to Deuteronomy 28, Derek Prince, a man of God has composed a list of seven problems indicating that a curse is at work in our life. 

1.       Mental / Emotional breakdown
2.       Repeated or Chronic sickness (especially if hereditary)
3.       Barrenness, a tendency to miscarry, or related female problems.
4.       Breakdown of marriage and family alienation
5.       Continuing financial insufficiency
6.       Being “Accident-prone”
7.       A history of suicides and unnatural or untimely deaths.

The presence of one or two of these problems would not necessarily be sufficient to establish working of a curse, but when several of the problems are present, the probability of a curse increases. However only Holy Spirit is the one who can provide an absolutely accurate diagnosis.
In our life, we better sit down and analyse that we are in the side of blessings or of curse. If you things you are in the side of curse, don’t be disappointed.

·         Confess your faith in Christ and n his sacrifice on your behalf (Romans 10:9-10)
·         Repent all your rebellion and your sins (Mathew 3:2)
·         Claim forgiveness of all sins (1 John 1:9)
·         Forgive all other people who have ever harmed you or wronged you. (Mark 11:25)
·         Renounce all contact with anything occult or Satanic (2 Corinthians 6:14-15)
·         Pray for thee release from any curse (Mark 11:24)
·         Believe that you have received and go on in God’s blessings (Ephesians 3:20)

I pray that when you read through Deuteronomy, you understand your short comings, the sins, the words which comes from your mouth, the actions, everything you are, and repent before the King of glory and inherit the blessing he has instore for your life to be a testimony. Amen.

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