Friday, March 10, 2017

The BOOK – On to Canaan

The Ultimate aim for what God rescued Israel from Egypt was to send them to Canaan. After all the wanderings, from Numbers 20 to 36, the scene is they are near to Canaan. Now we find that all the Israelites who left Egypt had died except Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Caleb, Miriam and the Children who were under 20 years of age when the spies entered the land. Now they camped in Kadesh and Miriam, Moses sister died and Aaron, Moses brother also died. 

When they started from Egypt, the promise God gave was for their best. But because of their murmurings and sin, now God gave them the second best. God is kind and he sets before us another way, a second best, or it may even be a third, for his mercy is wonderful. He forgives us seventy times seven. Even if we are not faithful, he is faithful.

Even after almost reaching the Promised Land the chosen people were complaining. In Numbers 20 and 21 we see people grumbling and God sending venomous snakes among the people, which caused them suffering and death. Once they confessed their sin, Moses prayed for them for deliverance, but God did not take away the snakes. God told Moses to make a bronze snake and fasten it to a pole so that all could see it. As soon as they looked they lived (Numbers 21: 6-9).

The Bible reveals us that whole human family has felt the ancient serpent’s sting of sin, which means death. The only way people can live is by looking to the one who took upon himself the likeness of a human and was lifted up on the cross to take the sting of death upon him. 

The bottom line is the world is full of sin and the penalty of sin is death, Spiritual death along with physical death. But if we look on him, Christ, our saviour, we shall live, even after physical death. 

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the son pf man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him” – John 3: 14, 15.

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