Friday, March 3, 2017

The BOOK – Preparation for Journey

The book of Numbers opens with the chosen ones in the wilderness. In the previous book we saw the Law given and the tabernacle being built and the priests being assigned for their service. The teachings of this book are very applicable to every Christian life.

In the initial chapters we see God numbering and arranging the tribes, choosing and assigning duties to the priests and Levites. The 12 tribes guarded the Tabernacle of the Lord. The Levities encamped directly around the court, and Moses and Aaron and the priests guarded the entrance whereby God was approached. 

Their shoes and their clothes did not wear out. Think of 600000 men, 20 years old and upward, and about 3000000 men, women and children in this great camp. But the most glorious thing was that God was in their midst. If you are going through the wilderness, the most glorious thing you need is God with you. Even though God knows everyone by name and their hairs in head are numbered, Moses is commanded to take a census. (2 timothy 2:19, Philippians 4:3). For Christians too, there is a census, for Christ numbers his jewels and knows them who are his. 

God was there for them to feed in the sterile desert, very little grass, very little water and no visible means of support. God was there with them in the wilderness where there was no path. If there is no way for you to go forward in life, ask God to be with you as he will create new way and opportunities for you. No one had gone before to blaze a trail for the children of Israel. There was not a footprint, or a landmark. Still God took them to the destination. We might not know our future, but if we walk according to the word (“I am the wayJohn 14:6), he will guide us step by step. Our family or relatives will come against us, but when God leads us to go with the holiness we have through him, we will reach the destination and we can faithfully proclaim that we ran the race. “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” – John 8:12.  They did not know where to go, but the Ark of Covenant went before and the pillar of cloud lead them always. (Num 10:33)

But when asks you to go and if you don’t obey, the Sunday school lesson of Jonah can be considered as a clear example for what will happen. Yes, God wanted them to be holy and faithful. But they murmured against him and sin crept into the camp. They complained about the food. God made provision for the food, but since they did sin, anger of God aroused and he sent Judgement of fire (Num 11:1-3) and plague (Num 11:33) and struck them. Even we see Moses siblings came against Moses with jealousy. They wanted more honour, but God gave punishment for them (Num 12:1-16). This shows us not to be jealous of the people whom God uses more than us. Understand your role and be faithful to it. 

The theological importance of this portion is that:

  • ·         The Ark of Covenant is the word of God
  • ·         The Tabernacle and ordinances are for worship of God
  • ·         High Priest and Apostle is Jesus Christ
  • ·         Pillar of Cloud and Fire is the comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit
  • ·         Sound of trumpet is the witness of a faithful prophet.
We are humans and makes mistakes. But when we decide to follow Christ, He leads us and comfort us by his Spirit. And it is our duty to tell this comfortless and joy to others in the midst of struggles and wilderness and help them to receive this gift of salvation. I pray that we faithfully follow Christ and lead others also into salvation through our life testimony. Amen.

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