Saturday, March 18, 2017

The BOOK – Looking Up

From Deuteronomy 5, we find Moses’s second address to the people of Israel as they are about to enter the promise Land. From now on as they are going to the new land, everything would depend on their constant and intelligent obedience to God who was giving them the land. 

Moses explains God’s love towards the people and because of that love God chooses them and he will protect them. But they need to obey God for their good. Now since we, the people who believe in Christ is the chosen one, we cannot avoid these commands from God, even if it is from the Old Testament. God wants his people to walk in the world in the way that befits them, separating themselves from evil. God demands discipline. 

In Deuteronomy, God mentions about the great Prophet, Lord Jesus Christ. God showed them, the highest duty was to exhibit it the spirit of loving obedience. We see Moses heart burdened because he knew that Israel had a hard heart and the people were self-willed.

When you check the history of Israel, we can find after all these what God did for them, they went against the Lord. Whatever things God for-bided, they did. Finally God’s wrath came upon Israel and they were punished. They were severely punished, that can’t be describable, until they called him for help.

It took almost 2000 years of struggle they got their people and land in the year 1948. Even though God punished them, when they called on him, God heard their cry and protected them. Even now they are facing threats, but miraculously God is protecting them. All these history are shown for us to know who we are and what we need to do. If you have gone away from the Lord, call upon him and he will forgive you and even forget your sins against him. But there is a clause- Call upon him and repent. 

It is not all about getting 100% attendance in Church, or having positions in Church, but about personal relationship with God. It is not showing outside how spiritual you are, but showing God how you are when no one is around you. I pray that you walk closely with God in prayer and by studying his word and kick out the dark side from your life and be a role model to the ones who don’t know Christ, so that they can also see the fruits of the Spirit in you and get attracted to the living true God, Amen

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