Friday, March 31, 2017

The BOOK – Walls of Jericho

The walls of Jericho had to come down for the Israelites to conquer the Promised Land, for Jericho was the key to southern Canaan. Children of God were confident and knew their leader will lead them into the city. The Fall of Jericho is seen in Joshua 6.

When you read this chapter or the entire book, you can see God first giving promises, and then gives them steps to achieve it and keeping it. Here also God promised Joshua that this city is going to be in the hands of Joshua. He further gives those steps how to take the city. In human imagination the steps might go as an idiotic idea, but that is what God will do to shame the so called intelligent. They were asked to round the city one time daily for 6 days with their mouth shut. On the 7th day they were asked to round 7 times, where 6 times they should be silent. On the 7th round they should shout according to the trumpets and then God will give the city to them. They listened to it and when they started shouting, the walls around Jericho city fell and they went and conquered the city. Rahab and her family were saved because of the fact that she protected the spies who went to get information about the city.

Archaeological department and others may explain that the fall of Jericho was no miracle but a simple scientific fact. God knew that a certain vibration would destroy the wall. Miracle remains that the wall fell. You can search the proof through YouTube. God accomplished the destruction with or without scientific means. 

God put an invisible band around the foundation of that city wall and tightened it, and when God does that to the foundation of any structure, national or personal – beware. It is easy to listen to God’s word instead of getting ideas from worldly intellectuals. When your hear Gods word, step by step you does things which will be simple, but will get victory even in the midst of highest persecution.
God gives us victories through ways that seem utterly foolish to us. Even the message of Cross is foolish to people. But those who believe in God and take that step will see God’s glory in their life. “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” – 1 Corinthians 1:18.

It is easy to leave the guidelines God gave for us to live and mock it as foolish. But the time when you start your life with God and have personal relationship with him, You will understand the real taste of the salvation which Christ has given. Amen.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The BOOK – Forward March

In the book of Joshua, from the third chapter to fifth chapter, we see the forward march of Israel at the Promised Land. Encouraged by the report from the spies, they moved from Jordan. Then the appointed leaders (officers) passed through the camp and ordered all to watch the Ark and follow it. In Joshua 3:5, we see Joshua telling people to sanctify themselves to see the wonders God is going to provide them. They were following the cloud in wilderness and now they are following the Ark of the Covenant, which represents the presence of Jehovah.

At the beginning of the Exodus, from Egypt, there was a crossing of the Red Sea. At the close of Exodus, there is a crossing of the Jordan River. In these two memorable events, Joshua and Caleb were the only two who were there to experience it, because of their faith in God. Both the times, their way was closed in front of them and they were not able to move forward. God made a way for them. Yes, God has a way. Even if you think you don’t have a way ahead in your life or career, submit yourself in the hands of God, he always has a way for you. Martin Luther said, I know not the way Christ leads me, but well do I know my Guide.

In your life, you may lose Job or people may leave from your life and go, or your children may go along with the worldly pleasures, which may lead you towards depression. Just hold on a minute and listen – The God who created you and loves you is having a way for you in your life. 

In New Testament we see Jesus Christ telling a man with a withered arm to do what he could not do – to stretch it forth. The man made an attempt and he got healed. In earthly view, to get out of an addition or evil friendship, it is impossible. But Christ tells you to take a step forward, and he will do the rest in taking you to his side. 

Joshua told the priests to take the Ark and step into the Jordan, when the river was overflowing all its banks. When the soles of their feet touched the waters of Jordan, they stood on dry ground. God is expert in doing the impossible! Ark is the symbol of divine Presence and Christ is the reality of the divine presence. Christ goes before us and says – Follow me and he sends the Holy Spirit to whisper in our ear and say – This is the way, walk in it. If you surrender your life to Christ, he will guide you in the little as well as the great things in life. 

If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm” – Psalm 37:23.

We also see the stones were taken up and kept it on the other side as a memorial of their great deliverer. We see Israelites left Egypt at the time of Passover and after 40 years they entered the Promised Land at the time of Passover.

As you go through the book of Joshua 3 to 5, I encourage you in Christ Jesus to not get discouraged in the wall or a river in front of you. Have faith in Christ and live unto him and hear his voice telling you to go through the wall and river and you will see the wall moving and the river drying, for you to move forward. Amen.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The BOOK – Mobilizing Army

When you start reading the book of Joshua, we see Israel right on the border of the land of promise, near the banks of the Jordan. Joshua is the leader of the Children of Israel now and we hear God saying, “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River” – Joshua 1:2. Joshua stands with bowed head and a lonely heart, for his wise counsellor and friend has gone. 

Moses had to die before the children of Israel could go into Canaan. Israel had to wait until Moses was out of the way. To the Christians, we need to understand the theology behind this scene. Moses represents the Law. Joshua represents Christ. Christ alone can lead us into the inheritance that is ours. 

Not by works, so that no one can boast” – Ephesians 2:9

Christ wants to lead us into what he has purchased on the cross for us. Overall it takes Moses and Joshua together to present to us typically the finished work of Christ.

God called Joshua to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land and gave him confidence. “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you not forsake youJoshua 1:5. Joshua sent men through the camp to tell them that in three days they would cross the Jordan, and be prepared for the journey (Joshua 1:10-11)

There are some promises God gave to Joshua which we can see in Joshua 1.

·         Joshua 1:3Every place that the sole of your foot I shall tread upon, that I have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.
·         Joshua 1:4From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea towards the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.
·         Joshua 1:2Arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.
·         Joshua 1:8This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
·         Joshua 1:11Prepare you victuals; for within three days, ye shall pass over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land, which the Lord your God giveth you to possess it

Joshua’s Bible was the book of Law. Our Bible is far more complete and we know more about God’s will because Christ has interpreted it for us. Some answers you will get in Joshua 1:7. Do we meditate upon the word? Do we turn from it to the right or to the left? “Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee; turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whitherso-ever thou goest

We can see the story of Rahab, a prostitute who stood with the children of Israel and hided the two scouts who went to bring the report of the land. When Israel went to capture the capture Jericho, Rahab hung a scarlet cord out of her window so that her house might be marked and spared. This woman is being mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus.

Sons of Ham, who is the Son of Noah, were the descendants of Canaan. Since they were wicked and idolatrous people, God warned them in destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. But they did not change and now God is going to destroy their power and give their land to the Israelites. 

As Christians, people won’t know the importance of relationship between Christ and his followers. They indulge in cheating, taking bribes, adultery, fornication, drinking and flirting as they think they should imitate the world. But always be careful. God called us to be his children, when Israelites were against him. Israelites thought they are his chosen ones and they can do anything, and finally God gave then punishment. Now days, this is the same attitude we see in Christians. They believe through grace Christ made them their children and so they can do anything. Be careful, because God can leave you and call the unsaved, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhist people and reveal himself to them and take them along with him to eternity.

I pray that as mentioned in Joshua 1:7, you live with the word of God and stay holy as he is holy, Amen.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The BOOK – History

It is God’s to give and it’s ours to possess! From the Book of Joshua, we are starting the books of History. This book gives us the encouragement and wisdom to know about the spiritual truth. This book relates the settlement of the children of Israel in Canaan, proving God’s faithfulness in keeping his promise with Abraham.

If you check the name of Joshua, it is Hoshea, meaning salvation or Jeshoshua, the Lords salvation. Joshua’s life tells how we should be as a warrior of God, be always prepared to take the army and move forward. The chosen people were led into the Promise Land by Joshua. We see in this book how Israel overcame all occupies in the land God promised them. 

Joshua completes what Moses began. Almighty never leave his work unfinished. We should always think, we are one among his solders and the crafts man always has another tool sharpened and ready for use. The nation that was led out by Moses was led in by Joshua. Moses was dead, but God’s voice was still speaking through Joshua. In New Testament, Apostle Paul is dead, but the cross he preached abides. People may perish, but the true leader, though invisible, is on the field and will never fail. We are all just a part in Christian service. Do your little part and do not care if it is not singled out.

When great hearts fail, faint hearts will flee. Israelites would have planned to run back to the desert. But Joshua got up and led Israel into blessing. God was with Joshua as he was with Moses. We see many mighty miracles happening when Israel was in the Promised Land. God was preparing Joshua for years in leadership. He was there along with Moses and was the one almost stoned to death because he urged Israel to advance into Canaan. (Num 14:6-10).

As you read and study this book, remember this book have two parts
·         Conquest of the Promise Land (Joshua 1-12)
·         Occupation of the Promised Land (Joshua 13-24)

I pray that you study this book and understand how God will do his work, even through the one who is being out-casted by public, Amen.

Monday, March 20, 2017

The BOOK – Looking Out

In the end chapters of Deuteronomy we see Moses’s third address to Israel. Here we see Moses giving the people some solemn warnings. Initially he told them about the blessings if they are obedient and then he told them the results of disobedience. 

Before 3000 years ago, God warned about the results of disobedience. Yes, we can see in history how Israel were scattered from one end of the earth to the other. We see Jewish history is full of persecution and tragedies. God foretold all this through Moses in Deuteronomy. 

Joshua was one who started the journey from Egypt and kept his faith throughout. Now at eighty years he got the leadership from Moses. The one thing Moses gave to Joshua along with the leadership is the fact that – “The Lord is with you; be strong”. If God is present, fear is baseless. We see Moses singing songs to glorify God. We saw he singing song after the deliverance from Egypt and now towards the end of his life. As a Christian, we all should have songs in our lips. 

Then Moses went up to mount Nebo (Pisgah) and there God showed him the Promise Land. He died there and Lord buried him. No one knows where. Someone said God buried his burial. Once again we see Moses in the Bible. One day Jesus took Peter, James and John and climbed up Mount Hermon to the north of the sea of Galilee and then Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus about his coming death. (Mathew 17:1-3).

It is not important for us to know whether Moses wrote Deuteronomy 34 or whether Joshua added it later, the important fact is about the blessings and curses he gave depending upon our obedience. With respect to Deuteronomy 28, Derek Prince, a man of God has composed a list of seven problems indicating that a curse is at work in our life. 

1.       Mental / Emotional breakdown
2.       Repeated or Chronic sickness (especially if hereditary)
3.       Barrenness, a tendency to miscarry, or related female problems.
4.       Breakdown of marriage and family alienation
5.       Continuing financial insufficiency
6.       Being “Accident-prone”
7.       A history of suicides and unnatural or untimely deaths.

The presence of one or two of these problems would not necessarily be sufficient to establish working of a curse, but when several of the problems are present, the probability of a curse increases. However only Holy Spirit is the one who can provide an absolutely accurate diagnosis.
In our life, we better sit down and analyse that we are in the side of blessings or of curse. If you things you are in the side of curse, don’t be disappointed.

·         Confess your faith in Christ and n his sacrifice on your behalf (Romans 10:9-10)
·         Repent all your rebellion and your sins (Mathew 3:2)
·         Claim forgiveness of all sins (1 John 1:9)
·         Forgive all other people who have ever harmed you or wronged you. (Mark 11:25)
·         Renounce all contact with anything occult or Satanic (2 Corinthians 6:14-15)
·         Pray for thee release from any curse (Mark 11:24)
·         Believe that you have received and go on in God’s blessings (Ephesians 3:20)

I pray that when you read through Deuteronomy, you understand your short comings, the sins, the words which comes from your mouth, the actions, everything you are, and repent before the King of glory and inherit the blessing he has instore for your life to be a testimony. Amen.