Monday, January 1, 2024

Message - Happy New Year


  In this New Year, may the Lord’s Grace and mercy be upon your life.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies– 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20

When you look on the past year, you might be having some pleasant or unpleasant memories. But whatever may be, consider this new year as another day in your life and move on.

People take resolutions and plans for the year, but it may fade within some days. Consider this year as one in which you can manage your time properly, do some daily physical workouts and load food into your body at proper time.

 If you manage your time, you will be able to do some workouts daily. There is no need to enroll in a gym or running club. Just some basic full body workouts which you can get from YouTube will be fine.

  Taking food at right time is very challenging. But once you do it, you will be energetic to go forward without any tiredness, which will ultimately help you to achieve your goals for the day.

As the verse mentions that our body is the temple of God, we need to keep it well physically and spiritually.

Keeping our body physically fit is a challenge to everyone as you need to reserve time for exercises and be disciplined in your diet.

Keeping Spiritually fit is the very easiest job you can ever do. There is no need to do any physical activities to reach God. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, just repent your sins and accept the fact that your sins were carried by Jesus Christ on the cross and when you confess Christ as your saviour you are forgiven and made new.

  When you accept Christ as your saviour and decide not to sin anymore, your spiritual refreshment works powerfully and you will stay strong spiritually. This need to be done every day because your enemy, the devil will always plan and plot to push you into sin.

So, this New year, take the decision to be blessed physically and spiritually. Manage time to have a talk with God, do some physical workout and have a disciplined diet.

May this year be a blessed one for you and your dear ones. A Very Blessed New Year.

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