Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Bible Study - Facts about The Bible

 The word “Bible” came from the Greek word biblia, which means “book”.

We can receive blessing and instruction from reading the Bible, even though we do not understand it completely. But the full joy of the Bible knowledge comes only with serious study. Therefore, we need to have some basic information.

Who wrote the Bible?

About 40 men wrote the Bible during a period of about 1600 years. Even though different writers were involved, Bible tells us that supernatural God guided or inspired the men to record His dealings with humanity.

Inspiration, in reference to the Bible, is the actual “breathing in” of God’s Spirit to guide the thoughts of the writers. (“All scriptures are God-breathed” – 2 Timothy 3: 16). Some did not fully understand what they wrote, especially concerning prophecies yet to be fulfilled, others studied their topics. They even wrote about their own experiences. (Ephesians 3: 3,5).

When we accept the authority of God’s Word, we can study it with greater understanding. We no longer just say it is God’s Word and forget about it, we respond to it as the real, living Word of God, which transforms our lives.

How it started?

Before there was no written word, God spoke to people. He called Abraham and told him that through him and his descendants all the world would be blessed. Out of that nation God chose certain men to write His revelation.

God inspired Moses to write a revelation that would explain the creation of the earth and gave laws, promises and prophecies. Thus, Moses wrote a set of books to which other holy men of God added writings. Many copies of the first writings do exist today (stones, clay tablets, skins, scrolls).

God wants us to understand His message. He had the Old Testament writers use Hebrew so that Hebrew people could understand them. The New Testament writers used Greek, which was the common language of Jesus’ day. Today, the Bible has been translated into more than 1300 languages, so that more people can understand the message of God.

They work in Unity

The 66 books of Bible (not Catholic Bible) are divided into the Old Testament with 39 books and New Testament with 27 books. Yet they are one history and one story.  The main idea of each book is God’s plan of redemption for humanity. The Old Testament predicts what will happen in the New Testament and the New Testament explains and fulfils the old covenant. Thus, they work in unity. Both were written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

The central figure of both Testaments is Christ. Each book shows Him in a special way.

The word testament means “agreement”. Old Testament reveals God’s agreement with man about his salvation before Christ came. This was based on the laws God gave Moses to write down. New Testament is God’s agreement with humans after Christ came. It is based on God’s grace, which is His complete love for humanity. God sent His son to die and rise again so that we can have the gift of salvation.

In Old Testament people had to sacrifice animals each year to keep paying for their sins (Hebrews 10: 4-7, 10, 14)

In New Testament Christ was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and Christ paid it all fully. There is no need for any other sacrifice. All we have to do is accept God’s gift of His son Jesus Christ (Galatians 4: 4).

Bible also shows us the beginning with the creation of world and man and ends of with revelation of ending the life on the earth. Between these two books is the story of how God worked out humanity’s salvation so that we can enjoy eternal life. This is also called Progressive Revelation.

Pray and try to study this Book and see how the history progresses from sin to salvation and to eternity. May The Spirt of God guide you in your study.

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