Sunday, January 14, 2024

Message - Second Sunday after Epiphany


I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you– John 1: 43-51.

The verse mentions Nathaniel and his calling.

When you are born again and get the desire to serve God, you may think you are going to do a great job to the kingdom of God. But by this verse we can understand that it is not you who is doing the work, but it is God who called you for the work. Yes, God called His servants even before they were born (Jeremiah 1: 5)

So, if you feel good hearing that God called you before you were born, just a second. Even Satan understands you are called for a purpose. So, what happens in your life will be a mixture of God’s plan, help and guidance vs Satan’s attack.

From your childhood, devil will try to attack you. In your teenage, you will be shown with worldly lust. In your adulthood, the worldly riches and evil will be kept in front of you for you to take a choice between God and world.

Even in these times, when you are a born-again believer, God will help you to come out of this problem once you go through tough times. Yes, you have to face difficult time, but God will make a way for you.

Then one day, you will take things seriously and try to serve God, that will be the time you have to face opposition and embarrassment from the so-called spiritual people around you. They won’t help you or lift you up because they fear you might go ahead of them.

Just focus on your call and be faithful to the one who called you. He will make a way.

When Samuel was sleeping God called him. Samuel answered and God told him about the revelation about his teacher Eli’s sons (1 Samuel 3: 1-10).  Yes, Samuel kept everything with him and saw himself in God’s faith and became one of the most celebrated Prophet and Judge of Israel.

May The Lord be with you as you keep your faith and focus on your calling even if the near ones or the world makes your life disastrous. Just see and enjoy God making the way.

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