Sunday, January 21, 2024

Message - Repent and Believe


The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe is the good news” – Mark 1: 14.

To be a follower of Jesus, you need to understand, believe and accept that all are sinners.

How to enter into the Kingdom of God if you are a sinner?

You need to repent your sins, and that is the only way to accept Jesus in your life and enter His Kingdom. Even John the Baptist who Jesus proclaimed as the greatest prophet born, calls everyone to repent of their sins. (Matthew 3: 6)

Repentance means you need to change your actions as well as your thought and language. Lots of people claim that they are born again. But when you look their life, you can see nothing changed in their character. Born again in not only to accept Christ as the saviour, even Satan believes Jesus is the saviour. The difference between a man of God and Satan is that we repent and accept Christ as our saviour.

To repent you need to accept that you are a sinner.

How you are going to know that you are a sinner?

Of course, if you have done adultery or get involved in a crime, you know that you are a sinner. But an ordinary person who goes to church regularly he/she does not feel that their life is full of sin. They just see the law in a high level and does not go deep into it to find the real truth.

That is the reason of a deep Bible study. We are living in the New Testament world. But why is Old Testament given to us? Yes, we need to study the law and understand that we are breaking it every day and because of that we need to have repentance. 10 commandments, when you read in a high level, you will feel that you are not touching any of it. But we need to study in deep. For example, in Lutheran church they have a small catechism where it will teach thoroughly the commandments, with supporting verses from Old and New Testament. Once you read it, you will understand that you are the greatest sinner in this world.

Try and study the meaning of each commandment. The commandment – do not steal, in a high-level means that we should not steal. But when you study deep inside, you will understand we are stealing time and money God gave us. We are stealing from the God or we are not using the blessings God gave to us with the same seriousness what it meant for.

Hope we are serious about our repentance, our salvation and understand the word of God in depth so that we can boldly say that we are born again and do things that are right and pleasing to God. May God bless you!

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