Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Living for Jesus


You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:20)

     When problems surround our life, we believe our God has given up. We may even think of leaving every thing and end our precious life. Most of the people even me have been in these situations. I am taking about the people who suffer from pain from their relatives or from some diseases or some loss in Job or wealth or sudden death etc.

    Sadhu Sunder Singh, a great man of God once told – “Leaving a life for Christ is very easy, but to live a life for Christ is very difficult”. Yes if you want to die for Christ, it is very easy job as terrorists are there to help you out. But in this sinful world where trials and temptations are there, living a life for Christ is very difficult. But in that also, our faithful God leaves us his word – “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them” – (Psalm 34:7)

Once a great man told, if you didn’t face any issue the whole day, that means you must be going in a wrong direction. Yes there are problems all around. But as people who trust in God, our comfort is not behind the worldly pleasures, but behind thy word.

Some people when faces with tough situation will go for other options, like seeing an astrologer to see whether their time is going good or not. You see, Astrologers are calculating every thing according to the rotation of Earth and Planets and Moon around the Sun. Their main reason for the calculation depends on the Sun. For them Sun is the center of everything. But my dear brother and sister, the God whom I serve is the creator of this Sun, Moon and all the planets, even the time. In his word, when Joshua prayed to stop the sun and moon for sometimes, God answered his prayer. (Joshua 10:13-14) (2Kings 20: 9-11). NASA computers performing the astronomical calculations have also found that a day is missing ( So I don’t need to go to an astrologer to see whether my time is bad or where the Sun is, but I will go to my God who made time and the universe. He takes care of me and makes a way for me from no way.

Even in this world when Jesus was there, he had to go through lost of trials, temptations and persecutions. But he was not moved by anything; instead he fasted and prayed to God for everything. When you see his disciples, every body had gone through tough pain and trials in their lives. But they stood faith in the highest one, even to their death. When we have any problems we go and see the men of God, servants of God. They will comfort and console us and council us. Have we ever thought of how their life is? To your information, ask any servant of God personally, and they will tell how much problems they are going through in this world.

Devil is the toughest hard worker in this world. So it will try to defeat a man of God through various situations. They might get problems in family, Job or from any one. But the true servants of God, still in the midst they will keep their faith in God and they will continue their glorifying God with more strength from the Holy Ghost whom they ask.

Yes dear friends, problems will come to our life, but their will be a way to come out of it. Just be in the presence of God alone and pray to God in Christ Jesus name who took all our problems in the cross. Cry to God and he will comfort you with his powerful spirit. Just wait and think how you can with his help overcome the situation. Just think what things you are doing against his will. Stop all and pray to him for the help. Surely he is a merciful God and you will get his mighty help from above. As the psalmist says, “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my savior and my God” (Psalm 42:11).

Now don’t ever think of ending your life because of problems as that is not a solution as you are sinning against your God. Your body and soul belongs to him and you are the temple of his spirit. “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s spirit lives in you? If any one destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple” (1 Corinthians 3:16, 17). When you are God’s temple, remember to keep your self clean even in midst of all your problems.

Let his presence fill you and read thy word and lead a life which pleases God instead of a worldly one. Just trust in him and believe that he will make a way from no where. That is our God. Praise be to him only.

Blogged on March 2010

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