Sunday, January 2, 2022

Always Behind


We are living in a world that is full of sin and evil. It is because the world is under the dominion of the devil. Just before Jesus started His ministry on the earth, He was tempted by devil. Satan told Jesus if Jesus wants the world, He should bow down and worship the devil.

Evil people live in this world almost like an agent of satan. Like satan, they will be working hard on trying to destroy the ones who live a righteous life. When Jesus was preparing His disciples for ministry, He warned them that the world will reject them since they rejected Jesus.

Even in His birth, Jesus had to face a tough time. As soon as He was born, an Angel of God told Joseph to take his family and run to Egypt as Herod was looking to kill baby Jesus. Herod was afraid that Jesus will defeat him and take up the throne. Same way evil people in the world are always afraid of the one who follows Christ. So they try to persecute the believers.

From Judea, Joseph went to Egypt and then they were not able to come back to Judea. Instead they went to Nazareth. As all this were happing, God was fulfilling the prophetical words spoken by the Old Testament prophets. It shows that God was always in control.

Same way when you are walking with God, according to His will, you may have to face trials and temptations. People will plot evil against you. They will try to put you to shame and build stories against you. Just remember, they did the same against Jesus also.

Devils main agenda is to make you stand against God. So when you walk in God’s presence and face tough problems, there is a chance you question the power of God and His protection. Gospel shows how Christ lived. Even when he was a baby, opposition came against Him. Instead of questioning God, Joseph prayed and moved according to the plan of God.

When you read Mathew 2, you see Angel of God giving him guidance. If a person is able to see Angels, definitely he should be living according to the will of God. Joseph listened and God helped them safe, even though they struggled in moving to different places.

You may think about tough times from your childhood. Even there are children who have to face evil from their own mother or father. If you are among them, just think about Jesus. From childhood day, people were behind him to kill Him. But see how God used Him in the ministry and where He is now, at the right side of Father God.

Don’t lose faith and hope in God. He is your creator. He is your Father. Trust in Him and He will take care of you. You will face oppositions. Pray to the Holy Spirit to strengthen you and you will see God always near your side. May you live accordingly and may God use you to be a blessing, Amen

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