Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Confession of St. Peter

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” Matthew 16: 16

The confession of Jesus’ disciple Peter help you to understand how Peter considered Jesus in his life. If someone tells Christ as his Messiah, it means they considered Him as the deliverer. The Jews at that time was looking for a deliverer to fight for them against the nations and free them. But Peter’s confession is on our spiritual deliverer. He understood Jesus is the Son of God who came to deliver him from the sins.

Jesus replies to him that it is the Holy Spirit who helped Peter to say so. In human understanding it is not possible to digest the supernatural things God does. Human understanding cannot comprehend a virgin giving birth to a baby through the Spirit of God. Same way Human mind cannot accept Christ as the savior of this world. It is revealed only through the Spirit of God.

It doesn’t mean that when you are filled with the Spirit of God, you will say right things and select perfect decisions. The same Peter got casted out by Jesus in Matthew 16 as “Get behind me Satan”. Peter denied Jesus 3 times before His death also. That is life. When a person is filled with the Spirit, it is the Spirit who does everything in that person. Other times, it will be a human effect.

In Acts 2 we see the Holy Spirit anointing upon the Apostles. After that Peter and other apostles got the special power and boldness to preach the gospel to the world, which was not possible before the anointing. So when the Spirit starts working in you, the boldness to go ahead comes in your character and you will walk along the path that Spirit guides.

In Acts 4 we can see Peter and John been jailed. As a result of arrest, Peter was able to preach a Spirit-inspired sermon before the Sanhedrin. The religious rulers could not escape the truth that these men showed a power and understanding far beyond their own strength and ability.

When you are in Christ and when the Spirit guides you, everything you do will be towards the glory of Jesus Christ. You will be guided to preach the salvation to others through your work, daily life and the way you mingle with others. Same way in Acts 4 Peter got the courage to proclaim the Salvation to the religious leaders. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” – Acts 4: 12.

All this starts with a small confession. The confession that you have sinned and Christ came to the world as a Messiah to save your sins and your belief in this Christ. Peter did the same in Matthew 16: 16 and the Spirit of God worked in his life, anointed him and made him a bold person in Jesus.

You may be prosperous, healthy and in good position. But according to the creator you are not valuable because of your sins. You have a choice. You can live like this, or can confess your sins and accept the Messiah who died for your sins. If you confess Jesus as your savior, your name will be written in Heaven and you will be in Christ. You don’t need to let loose all your belongings. You can do much more, but this time by the guidance of Holy Spirit through love and compassion.

May The Lord help you to confess Jesus as Savior and be guided by the Spirit to do Supernatural things in Jesus name 

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