Sunday, January 16, 2022

GIFTS - Second Sunday after the Epiphany


In the book of 1 Corinthians 12, Paul mentions about some spiritual gifts that is been given to the body of Christ. It is been given to the members of the body of Christ. If you are a member of a church, you may not receive it. Only way to receive the gifts is that you should be a person who has repented your sins before Jesus and accepted Him as your personal Savior. He died for your sins, and as you have repented and accepted Him, you are a new creation.

When you join a club or a new company, they give welcome gifts to welcome you. Same way, once you are in the family of the body of Christ, God has special spiritual gifts for you. Keep in mind the gifts are not any money of anything to eat. The gift is not between you and another person. No other people are involved in the gift God is going to give you. It’s all between you and Almighty.

Before receiving the gifts, you need to understand that Christ is the head of the body of Christ. We cannot live without head. Our head directs our body into meaningful activity. Christ guides us into all activity (1 Colossians 1: 15-18; Ephesians 1: 22-23; 4: 15-16; 5: 23).

If Christ is the head of the body, believers of Christ are the body. As a believer you are part of the body (Romans 12: 5). Believers from every race, color, land and nations are all part of the same body.

In our human body, if one part or member is not working/ paralysed, it affects the entire body. Similarly every member in Christ’s body is very important to Him. Every member in Christ’s body is a share of that body (1 Corinthians 12: 27). As in our human body each member has a particular function. All members do not have the same use. Every member has his own function.

Each part of our body is different from each other. Same way God made each of us different from anyone else. God made us who we are and placed us where we are for the good of the whole body for His own glory. So being unhappy because our gifts are not the same as another person’s make us judges of God. Our gifts may not seem as important as another’s gifts. Always understand the gifts God has for you are just right for you. Each of us should benefit from the other’s gifts (Romans 12: 5). Our feet carry us to our food. Our hands carry the food to our mouth and our mouth eats it. But the whole body profits.

Gifts received are to be used for the purpose for which they are given (Mathew 10: 8). The purpose is not fulfilled when the believers fail to use the gifts and if they use them selfishly and without love. Faithful use of spiritual gifts brings glory to the giver and blessing to the body (1 Corinthians 4: 2).

May The Spirit of God provide you with the gifts as you live a life with love and peace in Jesus name

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