Sunday, January 23, 2022

Do your Role - Third Sunday after the Epiphany


When we look around, the world is so competitive that some people don’t know what they are supposed to do. If a person does something, there will be people around him who try to imitate, just to compete with the other person. If a person starts running / jogging, there will be somebody who tries to do the same thing and to prove himself better that the first person. Same is the case of studying, selecting a job, selecting a branch for higher studies etc.

It happens to the believers who does the will of God. They do things according to the will of God and the ones around them who don’t have an anointing, questions the believers and tries to demotivate them. Same thing happened when Nehemiah came to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, people opposed him. Why people opposed him? They did because according to them, they cant do it, so they don’t want him also to do it. 

The same happens in every believers life. They does things others don’t do. But they will get demotivation and embarrassment from around them. At this time they need to do what Nehemiah did. He told the priest Ezra to bring the book of Law and read it before the people to keep them connected with God. You need to be connected with the word of God every time you need to do something difficult, even  other times. When the world comes against you, the word of God will provide you the faith, hope and belief to stay calm and go ahead (Nehemiah 8)

At the same time, if you are a believer in Christ, you need to accept the fact that everyone are members of a single body. So everyone has their own jobs to do. Your hands take the food and give it to your mouth and the mouth will accept the food. The food gives strength to your body. Same way you need to know that you have a role to play in the body of Christ. You don’t need to Xerox another member’s ministry. You stay close with God and He will provide you the role. As in 1 Corinthians 12, every one is being given the gifts and you need to use if accordingly for the benefit of the body of Christ. 

Stay simple to the calling of God and do it to your best

May The Lord help you to stay close with His word, get motivate from it in the midst of troubles from around, and do the ministry of caring the needy to salvation in the way God speaks to you.

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