Saturday, April 29, 2017

The BOOK – Ruth

The book of Ruth gives us some idea of the domestic life of Israel at the period of anarchy. Samuel might have been the author of this book. 

Ruth was the great-grand mother of David. This book gives us the lineage of David, the ancestor of Christ. Ruth was a Moabitess, who are the descendants of Lot. They were the people who were worshipping many gods and goddesses. God chosed a beautiful girl from there, led her to Bethlehem where she met Boaz. God adopts the Gentiles into Christ’s family.

Boaz was the son of Rahab, the prostitute in Jericho who helped Israel to capture the city. God can choose any broken or unused vessel to bring his glory.

If you think you are not a believer, you don’t know Jesus Christ, or you are following other gods and goddesses, this book gives you the right encouragement to accept the true living God. The people mentioned in this book are the ancestors of Jesus Christ. God chosed those people and gave them the greatest blessing to be the grand parents of the saviour, even when the chosen people where there. You might see Christians around you. But you can be special, if you accept Christ as your saviour and believe in him, so that God can use you to do greater things. 

Be encouraged!

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