Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The BOOK – Campaign

From Joshua 10 to 12 we see God helping his people to capture and take over the land. Taking of Ai shows a real military strategy. Fame of Israel began to spread far and wide. Kings of Canaan formed a league against the children of God who came to possess their land. One by one came against Israel and were defeated. In Joshua 10 we read about how on the word of Joshua, the sun stood still, or in modern scientific terms, earth stood still. Ordinary things come to a standstill when God’s work is on.
We can see people around us worshipping the sun and see the stars to check their future. They don’t know we worship the creator who made this sun and the stars. So if you are a follower of Christ, kindly don’t follow and check with the people who bow down before the sun and check their life status according to the stars. If you are a believer, your life is saved when Christ died for your sins on the cross. So if you walk with God and obey him, your life will be fruitful. 

The Northern Kings joined together and came against Israel and by the power of God, Joshua routed them all. This did not happen at once. The word says that it took a long time. “At last the land rested from war” – Joshua 11:23

Jerusalem, possibly one of the most famous places in the world is first mentioned in this book of Joshua. This is a city with a great past history and a bright future history. Here Christ will reign when he comes again in power and great glory (Luke 21:27).

Once they occupied the Promised Land, the next assignment to Joshua was to divide the land and give it to the tribes, which we can see in the next chapters. 

In 2016, when the Gaza war was going on between Palestine and Israel, I saw lots of forwards and mails criticizing UN on why they gave the Jewish people the land. They were writing that the land belongs to the Palestine. But the oldest record, or the oldest library, history – The Bible reveals us that long before the Palestinians, say more than 3000 years ago, Israel occupied the land. How they lost the land? They disobeyed God and God punished them and scattered them.

Bible is not the book of past. It shows us the future and present. In the scriptures the prophets mentions that there will be a time when the Jewish people will call upon the name of God and God will help them and unite them together. In 1948, Jewish people got their state surrounded by the Arab countries. The Arab countries took the decision to wipe out Israel from the Earth and for that they tried to capture Israel. But when you look history, the small nation surrounded by big Arab nations, fought and survived, even they captured some enemy territory. How is it possible? With the God who called them anything is possible.

If you are going through a rough time, if you see people surrounding you are against you criticizing, harassing and humiliating you, don’t give up. Believe in Christ Jesus, accept him as your saviour and have a personal relationship with him in prayer and obey the word. Holy Spirit will energize you and provide ways for you to go and recapture your joy and life back. May Lord be with you and fight wars for you and give you victory, Amen.

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