Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The BOOK – Apostasy

In the book of Judges, we have a picture of seven failures and seven deliverances. The Israelites intermarried with the surrounding idolatrous people, worshipped their shrines and practiced their values and laws, which God told them not to do. There was no unity of action, except in the time of danger when the tribes combined for their own good. When the people sinned against God, their enemies defeated them and ruled over them. One of the best known nations whom the Lord used to test Israel was the Philistines. The Israelites feared the Philistines and did not mix freely with them. They only met in war.

First Apostasy (Judges 3:7-11)
Sin – Idolatry, Punishment – 8 years, Deliverer and Judge – Othniel

For trying to live in peace with the Syrian nations, Israelites intermarried and started trading with Amorites, Hivites and Perizzites. Next they accepted their neighbour’s religion, and then their bad customs. But soon the Mesopotamians began to oppress them and then they realized that they had a God who took them from slavery and placed them here. God send a deliverer, Othniel, who was Caleb’s nephew. “Spirit of God came upon him, so that be became Israel’s Judge and went to war” – Judges 3:10. First he prayed and then he went to battle. He threw away the idolatries of Israel and taught them the law of the Lord and reminds them of their calling as a nation. Soon success and victory was theirs. (Judges 3:10-11). He was the first of the Judges. 

Second Apostasy (Judges 3:12-31)
Sin – Immorality and Idolatry, Punishment - 18 years, Deliverer and Judge – Ehud and Shamgar

Israel did go back to their old ways, as they went after immorality and idolatry. They got the punishment from God and Moabites attacked them and they were under Moabites for 18 years. Again people cried unto God and God gave them a deliverer, Ehud, with whom Shamgar’s name is associated. They defeated Moabite King and because of them peace was there for 80 years.

Third Apostasy (Judges 4-5)
Sin – Departed from God, Punishment – 20 years, Deliverer and Judge – Deborah and Barak

Sisera took over Israel for 20 years because of the punishment they got from God. They cried unto God and this time God chosed a prophetess called Deborah. Deborah called Barak to help her and together they delivered Israel from oppression. After that the land rested for 40 years.

Fourth Apostasy (Judges 6 – 8:32)
Sin – Departed from God, Punishment – 7 years, Deliverer and Judge - Gideon

Midianites held Israel for 7 years and God gave them Gideon as deliverer. He broke the alter of Baal and restored the worship of God. Gideon, with a band of 300 defeated the enemy, which can be seen in the scripture as a supernatural hand of God. 

Fifth Apostasy (Judges 8:33 – 10:5)
Sin - Departed from God, Punishment – Civil war, Deliverer and Judge – Tola and Jair

People fail once again and worshiped Baalim as soon as Gideon died. There came a civil war in which Gideon’s son Abimelech was involved. But he was slain by a woman and a period of 45 years of quietness followed under the judgement of Tola and Jair.

Sixth Apostasy (Judges 10:6 – 12:15)
Sin – Idolatry increased, Punishment – Philistines and Ammonites, Deliverer – Jephthah

Here we see people almost entirely given over to idolatry. God sent judgement this time from the Philistines for 18 years. When they cried, God refused to hear them. But God can’t bear his children suffer, and so deliverance came through Jephthah. He judged Israel for 6 years.

Seventh Apostasy (Judges 13 -16)
Sin – Departed from God, Punishment – Philistines, Deliverer - Samson

Once again Israel did evil in the eyes of the Lord. This time they were disciplined by Philistines under whose oppression they lived 40 years. God called Samson and his life is filled with opportunity and failure. Everything should have being in Samson’s favour, but he entered into an unholy alliance, which meant his downfall. But he delivered Israel and died along with it.

These are history which God wanted us to read and understand how Israel, the chosen people have gone away from God and how he disciplined them. Since we are the chosen Israel presently, you can just replace the enemies Israel faced with your friends and weaknesses. God delivers you from your bad habits and friends and then when everything is fine, once again you are forced to go back with your habits by your flesh. We need to understand that God gave this book as a warning symbol so that we will walk close with God, and be holy as he is Holy.

I pray that you understand the importance of being separated from the world to see and know how good our God is, and walk along with him to live a testimonial life, Amen

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