Friday, April 7, 2017

The BOOK – Division of Land

When Joshua was about 90 years old, he decided to divide the land which they had taken and to-be taken among the Israelites. They divided it in a way – This is Judah’s, this is Asher’s and so on. They said this even while most of the portions were occupied with Amorites, Jebusites and Hittites. This division of the land was the announcement of faith that under God’s guidance they will occupy the land. When you read the life of great men of God, most of the decisions taken by them were with faith and then depend on God’s providence. 

I am reading about a book on Oral Roberts, a great healing evangelist in the 50’s and 60’s. Everything he did in life was with prayer and faith. He prayed and heard the word of God and in faith took decisions. It started with his ministry and even with that faith he started the Oral Roberts University. They fast, they pray and then by the word and faith they start impossible and God will guide them to move forward. 

Although all this land was allotted to various tribes, all of it was not conquered until the time of David. Division happened according to the will of God, and so the strong did not take the best part leaving the fragments to weak, neither did the rich purchase the choicest spot, leaving the poor more undesirable sites. 

When God takes control, there is no rich or poor. I have heard preaching that poor will be the privileged people in God’s kingdom. God does consider everyone sinners with respect to his holiness. Whosoever confess their sins and accept Jesus and believes that through accepting Christ his sins are forgiven and forgotten are taken equally into God’s Kingdom, whether it is rich or poor, strong or weak. 

I pray that you understand the faith which people of Israel had at the time of division, and have that faith with prayer and a personal relationship with God and do the things which are impossible according to the world, Amen.

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