Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The BOOK – Farewell

When the Israelites walked into the Promised Land, Joshua had a friend Caleb, who along with him trusted God in taking Promised Land. These were the only 2 people in their generation who could enter the Promised Land because of their obedience. Now you see in Joshua 14:12, Caleb, who was 85 years old asks for high and walled cities, which Joshua gave him as granted. Caleb might be the happiest man in the camp because he had overcome so much and yet had fields to conquer. “Difficulties are things which show what men are”. In your life when you see the glory of God come and change your life in the midst of trials and tribulations, you will trust God all through your life, even in the hardest times. 

Lord never promised his children that they will have an easy time serving him. “In this world you will have trouble” – John 16:33. We see Paul encouraging Timothy, “Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus” – 2 Timothy 2:3. Caleb knew since he is obedient to God, God had given him the land, as he had seen it before. Even when you face diseases, sickness, financial problems or any earthly problems where the whole world comes around to take you out, if you are faithful to God, you will see your saviour fighting the battle on your behalf and giving you the victory.

Like Moses, Joshua also gave the people some last words when he became very old. He called the leaders and then people and told them not to forget the power and faithfulness of God and told them to be faithful to God. “Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness” – Joshua 24:14. He also warned them about choosing whom to serve, whether to serve the gods of their forefathers or the true living God, and confessed he and his family will serve the Lord. “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” – Joshua 24:15

It is good to make open confessions and commit ourselves to a solemn purpose. People of Israel also said they will serve the Lord. When you confess your weakness and how you overcame it through the power of Jesus, your followers will also do the same and become a testimony. If you live a life of hypocrisy, your followers will also come as hypocrites, and even they will not be faithful to you.
At the age of 110, Joshua died. His greatest achievement Certificate is seen in Joshua 24:31 – “Israel served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua”. A leader or a minister should be faithful to Lord and his people and be a testimony to each of his followers. 

You cannot run away from your sins. Be sure, your sin will find you out. In the midst of a sinful life, it is better to leave everything and confess it before God and ask for the forgiveness. Most of the people hate this step – confession. Yes everyone have a problem of confessing before men, but they take the same attitude before God also. We should understand the sins which happened through our mind, mouth and even physically, God was a witness. So confessing before God does not make you a small being, as we are already small and nothing before the Holy God. But for coming out of the sinful world, you need to confess the sins before God and believe in faith that for all the sins you have done, Christ came and took the punishment. Now as you take Christ in your heart, you are free, but you will sin no more. 

Joshua served the Lord and walked with him. He led a testimonial life so that the people who followed him did as he did. Today, without our knowledge our children or other people near to us, follows us and does what we do. It is a choice for every one of us how you want them to be as their life depends on your holiness and faithfulness. May Almighty empowers you to lead a holy life in Christ Jesus and be testimony for him as Joshua was. Amen

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