Monday, January 20, 2020

Be Righteous

People who live a life of righteousness may have to go through lot of trials and temptations in this world. Since the world goes through lies, jealousy, adultery and competitiveness, a righteous person will be side-lined and bullied.

But the word of God reminds us that the people who live a righteous life will be honoured by the creator of this universe. Even though you may face difficulties in this world, the Almighty God will consider you better than the world and help you to go ahead in your life.

Christ Jesus came to this world and lived a righteous life. Even before his birth, Isaiah prophesied about him that he will be righteous and the Lord’s power will be upon his life. In this world if you have power, then obviously, there will be a temptation for the person to live a wicked life. You can find examples of world leaders who misused their power in wicked ways. But even though God gave the power to Jesus, he was righteous and lived according to the will of God (Isaiah 42).

When Jesus was baptized by John, God proclaimed that He is pleased with Jesus (Mathew 3). Yes, when you walk with God in righteousness, even though the world may consider you as an idiot, God will be pleased with your life.

God does not show favouritism to anyone. God is not favourable if you belong to particular religion (Acts 3). But God is favourable to the one who lives according to His will and live a righteous life. In the Old Testament we see about Noah. Every time we read about him in Genesis, you notice Noah listened to what God commanded. When you listen to what God commands, His favour and help will be always there in your life.

God commands us to be his child by accepting Christ as our saviour and accept His salvation which is free to all (Ephesians 2: 8,9). Confess your sins before Him and accept in faith that Christ took all your punishment for sins and because of Christ, you are free and righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Once you are saved, be righteous in all your works and be a blessing to others (Ephesians 2: 19-22). May God Bless you!

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