Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Resolution to PRAY

New Year day people take resolutions. They want to do something consistent throughout that year that can change their life. For example, most New Year’s there will be a crowd in Gyms and in parks for workouts and jogging.

If any of you want to put a resolution for this year, Prayer and Meditation is one of the most advisable resolution that will keep you controlled and stress free.

Prayer is not something that you are going to do physically, like lightning a candle of taking a cross and walking, or rolling yourself somewhere. Prayer is a communication with the Almighty. It is a one on one talk with God who can solve all your problems. So it will be interesting when you talk with God as you talk with your best friend.

There are certain facts you need to know before talking with God. God is holy and we are sinners (1 Peter 1: 16). Sinners are not allowed to talk with God (Romans 3: 23).

For this reason Jesus Christ came to the world and took the punishment for our sins so that we can be sin free and can communicate with God (1 Timothy 3: 16).

Before starting the conversation, you can ask God to forgive your sins (Romans 10: 9). Accept that you are a sinner and ask for pardon. Believe that Christ Jesus paid for your sins and take a decision to live sin free (John 14: 6).

Thank God for forgiving your sins and accepting you as his child (Hebrews 8: 12).

Thank God for sending his beloved son Jesus to get the punishment for your sins for you to be free from sin (Romans 3: 21-26).

Thank God for all the good things that happened in your life. Thank God for the bad things that happened, because once you have a connection with Him, He is going to change that bad things to a joyful good one (Romans 8: 28).

Thank God for loving you and waiting patient to hear from you (Isaiah 30: 18).

Pray for your dear ones, friends, family and ask Him to protect them and bless them with their needs according to His will (Philippians 4: 6).

Pray for yourself, your needs, blessings, protection and your walk with God (Psalms 71).

Believe in faith that God heard your prayers and thanksgiving and thank Him that He is going to answer your prayers (2 Chronicles 7: 14).

Ask everything in Jesus name who is our mediator (John 14: 13).

These are certain points that you can pray yourself quiet to God. Instead of reading some prayers from some book, God loves people praying to Him with their heart directly. A son/daughter will talk with their father directly from their heart, not through reading some books.

May these small prayer points help you to start a communication with God this year, for having peace and joy in your life and to stay holy in all situations of life.

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