Monday, January 6, 2020


When everyone talks about the birth of Jesus, they give importance to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Yes, she was blessed and because of her walk with God, He chosed her to be the mother of Jesus. When you look into the word of God, people who follow God and live accordingly get visions and prophetic blessings from God. You can see in the New Testament the number of times Joseph, the man who was about to marry Mary, got vision and had communication with Angel of God. So how blessed it was when God chosed a family where both the Man and woman was having close walk with Him. No wonder he chosed Jesus to be born in that family. Be a man or woman of faith and walk with God, and you will see your children being blessed and walk along with you towards the Holy God (Mathew 2)

It is not easy to walk with God. The first opposition you may encounter will be from your own family members. Ask any great man of God and they will tell you how they had to overcome their family to do God’s ministry. Same way when you look into the life of Jesus, He was questioned by his mother when she saw Him having a discussion with the leaders of Jerusalem temple (Luke 2)

The one thing every believer in Christ forgets is about their spiritual blessings. The people in Christ either live a poor life or they go behind the riches. When you accept Christ as your personal Saviour, it is not you who are stepping inside the Kingdom of God, but it is God who guided you to fulfill his calling in you, even when you were in the womb. Through Jesus you are being adopted into the Kingdom and are a child of God. (Ephesians 1)

You cannot know or understand more about God without the wisdom he gives. Once you start walking with God and lead a Holy life, God has promised in Ephesians 1 that you are going to inherit a great power, the same power that was exerted when God raised Christ from dead

A blessed person who is in God will leave worldly things for just being a part of God’s presence. God will protect them and does not allow evil to come upon them (Psalms 84)

When you are called and chosen, you are being treated as his own children as He treated Israel. God prophesied about Israel that He will bring them back to their land, even though He scattered them around because of their sin. God promised that He will bless them and increase them. As the New Israel, the one who are in Christ, when you leave your sinful life and call upon the Lord and walk Holy with Him, God will protect you, provide you with wisdom and power to do signs and wonders to bring Heaven on Earth (Jeremiah 31).

May the Lord guide you and help you to be Holy and know His heart’s desires to inherit all promised blessings and be a model to the world as a testimony.

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