Sunday, December 29, 2019

Perfect Timing

When the first man sinned, God promised him a saviour who will come to the world and will take the punishment for their sins and save them to be a child of God (Genesis 3: 15). When Adam and Eve heard this promise they would have thought, might be end of that day the saviour will come and do everything which was promised and would have waited for his arrival. But Lord Jesus came to this world as human 4000 years after God promised his arrival.

Man thinks things to be done at a certain time, but God decides to do everything at His perfect time. “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD– Proverbs 21: 31.

Throughout the Bible we see God’s perfect timings against man’s wish.

In Genesis 37, we see Joseph getting sold by his brothers and being punished by Potiphar, even when he was innocent. But God made a perfect timing for him after 13 years and made him the prime minister of Egypt (Genesis 41).

In Exodus 6, we see when God wanted to rescue Israelites from the torture of Pharaoh, he brought plagues in Egypt. He could have made Pharaoh to let the Israelites go to Canaan. But He made Pharaoh’s heart hard to show His power and glory to the world and in His time he rescued Israel miraculously through the Red sea.

When the wicked Haman was plotting and planning to destroy Israel, God made Esther the queen and in His time destroyed Haman (Esther 7)

Even in New Testament opening, we see the priest Zechariah who was praying for a child for long years. He and his wife were old. But God did not give them a child. Why? Because God was planning to bring Jesus into the world and he wanted John, the Baptist to be born just before Jesus birth. (Luke 1).

There are people who are disappointed and depressed that they are childless, or not married, or unemployed. Some are depressed because of physical, financial or emotional stress/problems. The people we see throughout Bible were also very sad and discouraged when problems came in their life. But one think they did. They prayed and kept hope that God can make a way in any situation. Same way God showed them their miracle at His perfect time.

You need to read the Bible, accept the verse as it is, pray and meditate upon it and claim your miracle accordingly. Always have Jesus Christ as your personal saviour, accepting your sins and confessing it before God and believing and accepting the fact that Christ paid the price for your sins and you’re free from sin once you accept Christ. So you are saved not to go back to your sins, but to live a holy life, to do good works.

May The Lord help you to accept salvation, live a holy life and claim all the blessed promises this end of the year with faith and hope, to get miracles and blessings from God in His and your Prefect Time of life.

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