Monday, January 20, 2020

Be Righteous

People who live a life of righteousness may have to go through lot of trials and temptations in this world. Since the world goes through lies, jealousy, adultery and competitiveness, a righteous person will be side-lined and bullied.

But the word of God reminds us that the people who live a righteous life will be honoured by the creator of this universe. Even though you may face difficulties in this world, the Almighty God will consider you better than the world and help you to go ahead in your life.

Christ Jesus came to this world and lived a righteous life. Even before his birth, Isaiah prophesied about him that he will be righteous and the Lord’s power will be upon his life. In this world if you have power, then obviously, there will be a temptation for the person to live a wicked life. You can find examples of world leaders who misused their power in wicked ways. But even though God gave the power to Jesus, he was righteous and lived according to the will of God (Isaiah 42).

When Jesus was baptized by John, God proclaimed that He is pleased with Jesus (Mathew 3). Yes, when you walk with God in righteousness, even though the world may consider you as an idiot, God will be pleased with your life.

God does not show favouritism to anyone. God is not favourable if you belong to particular religion (Acts 3). But God is favourable to the one who lives according to His will and live a righteous life. In the Old Testament we see about Noah. Every time we read about him in Genesis, you notice Noah listened to what God commanded. When you listen to what God commands, His favour and help will be always there in your life.

God commands us to be his child by accepting Christ as our saviour and accept His salvation which is free to all (Ephesians 2: 8,9). Confess your sins before Him and accept in faith that Christ took all your punishment for sins and because of Christ, you are free and righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Once you are saved, be righteous in all your works and be a blessing to others (Ephesians 2: 19-22). May God Bless you!

Monday, January 6, 2020


When everyone talks about the birth of Jesus, they give importance to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Yes, she was blessed and because of her walk with God, He chosed her to be the mother of Jesus. When you look into the word of God, people who follow God and live accordingly get visions and prophetic blessings from God. You can see in the New Testament the number of times Joseph, the man who was about to marry Mary, got vision and had communication with Angel of God. So how blessed it was when God chosed a family where both the Man and woman was having close walk with Him. No wonder he chosed Jesus to be born in that family. Be a man or woman of faith and walk with God, and you will see your children being blessed and walk along with you towards the Holy God (Mathew 2)

It is not easy to walk with God. The first opposition you may encounter will be from your own family members. Ask any great man of God and they will tell you how they had to overcome their family to do God’s ministry. Same way when you look into the life of Jesus, He was questioned by his mother when she saw Him having a discussion with the leaders of Jerusalem temple (Luke 2)

The one thing every believer in Christ forgets is about their spiritual blessings. The people in Christ either live a poor life or they go behind the riches. When you accept Christ as your personal Saviour, it is not you who are stepping inside the Kingdom of God, but it is God who guided you to fulfill his calling in you, even when you were in the womb. Through Jesus you are being adopted into the Kingdom and are a child of God. (Ephesians 1)

You cannot know or understand more about God without the wisdom he gives. Once you start walking with God and lead a Holy life, God has promised in Ephesians 1 that you are going to inherit a great power, the same power that was exerted when God raised Christ from dead

A blessed person who is in God will leave worldly things for just being a part of God’s presence. God will protect them and does not allow evil to come upon them (Psalms 84)

When you are called and chosen, you are being treated as his own children as He treated Israel. God prophesied about Israel that He will bring them back to their land, even though He scattered them around because of their sin. God promised that He will bless them and increase them. As the New Israel, the one who are in Christ, when you leave your sinful life and call upon the Lord and walk Holy with Him, God will protect you, provide you with wisdom and power to do signs and wonders to bring Heaven on Earth (Jeremiah 31).

May the Lord guide you and help you to be Holy and know His heart’s desires to inherit all promised blessings and be a model to the world as a testimony.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Resolution to PRAY

New Year day people take resolutions. They want to do something consistent throughout that year that can change their life. For example, most New Year’s there will be a crowd in Gyms and in parks for workouts and jogging.

If any of you want to put a resolution for this year, Prayer and Meditation is one of the most advisable resolution that will keep you controlled and stress free.

Prayer is not something that you are going to do physically, like lightning a candle of taking a cross and walking, or rolling yourself somewhere. Prayer is a communication with the Almighty. It is a one on one talk with God who can solve all your problems. So it will be interesting when you talk with God as you talk with your best friend.

There are certain facts you need to know before talking with God. God is holy and we are sinners (1 Peter 1: 16). Sinners are not allowed to talk with God (Romans 3: 23).

For this reason Jesus Christ came to the world and took the punishment for our sins so that we can be sin free and can communicate with God (1 Timothy 3: 16).

Before starting the conversation, you can ask God to forgive your sins (Romans 10: 9). Accept that you are a sinner and ask for pardon. Believe that Christ Jesus paid for your sins and take a decision to live sin free (John 14: 6).

Thank God for forgiving your sins and accepting you as his child (Hebrews 8: 12).

Thank God for sending his beloved son Jesus to get the punishment for your sins for you to be free from sin (Romans 3: 21-26).

Thank God for all the good things that happened in your life. Thank God for the bad things that happened, because once you have a connection with Him, He is going to change that bad things to a joyful good one (Romans 8: 28).

Thank God for loving you and waiting patient to hear from you (Isaiah 30: 18).

Pray for your dear ones, friends, family and ask Him to protect them and bless them with their needs according to His will (Philippians 4: 6).

Pray for yourself, your needs, blessings, protection and your walk with God (Psalms 71).

Believe in faith that God heard your prayers and thanksgiving and thank Him that He is going to answer your prayers (2 Chronicles 7: 14).

Ask everything in Jesus name who is our mediator (John 14: 13).

These are certain points that you can pray yourself quiet to God. Instead of reading some prayers from some book, God loves people praying to Him with their heart directly. A son/daughter will talk with their father directly from their heart, not through reading some books.

May these small prayer points help you to start a communication with God this year, for having peace and joy in your life and to stay holy in all situations of life.