Saturday, June 9, 2018

Perplexed but Not in Despair

When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them two options – obey or disobey God. They fell into the temptations of Satan and failed the test. Through them sin entered the world. Satan still influences people to disobey God. Because of sin, even though they were separated from God, in mercy, God promised One who would redeem everyone from sin (Genesis 3:15). The offspring of the woman (the virgin born Jesus) would come to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).

If the Lord keeps record of the sins of any one, nobody will be able to stand before him (Psalm 130). So God gave another option to escape from sin - Accept Christ and get saved. When we accept Christ, there is forgiveness for our sins as he carried all our sins on the cross and took punishment for our sake (1 Peter 2:24).

Christ redeems all our sins when we accept him as our personal saviour. The moment you receive him as your saviour, the Spirit of God will guide you in living a life pleasing to God. In Bible there is only one sin which is mentioned, will not be forgiven – it is against this Holy Spirit. We see in Mark 3:20 -35, Jesus telling the lawyers who ever blasphemes against Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. Same is written about the Holy Spirit in all the four Gospels.

Christ nowhere promises that a Christian will be free from suffering or sorrow. Rather do we hear “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). Christ allows us to get into trouble that he may deliver us. He allowed Daniel to be put into the den of lions that he might pull him out. He allowed Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to go into the fiery furnace that he might deliver them. He allowed Paul to be shipwrecked that he might save him. Our God is able to deliver.

We see Apostle Paul telling about his tribulations in 2 Corinthians 4. When he was converted, the Lord said, “I will show him how much he must suffer for my name” – Acts 9:16. Paul was optimistic because he knew that affliction’s here would increase glory beyond (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). He could sing as he suffered for he knew the wonderful grace of God. He was always conscious of the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. He knew that greater the suffering in this present world, the greater the glory of eternity (2 Corinthians 4: 8-18). He lived with his eye on the future.

Apostle Paul finds his comfort through all his troubles in the fact of the resurrection that Christ promised. He lived under the inspiration of the fact that one day he was to have a changed, glorified body. Our suffering bodies will soon be exchanged for painless glorified bodies. Whether we live or die, we must keep this reward in view (2 Corinthians 5:10). As persecution is increasing in this world against the believers, life of Apostle Paul should motivate everyone to carry the cross and live a faithful life.

May God strengthen you to go ahead in life and live for Jesus and glorify him in the midst of trials and tribulations, so that one day when you leave this world, you will be welcomed gloriously in Heaven.

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