Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Genealogy – 1 Chronicles

God used history of Israel to reveal truths about himself and his relationship to men. If Kings, composed after the final collapse of the kingdom, concentrates on how sin leads to defeat (2 Kings 17: 15, 18), then Chronicles recounts how “faith is the victory” (2 Chronicles 20:20, 22).

In the book of Chronicles, the Lord takes center stage and leaves no doubt as to who is in charge. The prominence of God may be seen in several incidents. We read how God put Saul to death and gave the kingdom to David (1 Chronicles 10:14).

The first 9 chapters in 1 Chronicles are a genealogy from Adam to Jacob, Jacob to David, and David to Zedekiah. The writer of the Chronicles, who is concerned with the nation and the monarchy, starts with Adam. The Spirit of God is pointing out, in effect, that all mankind benefits, not just the Jews. The last 20 chapters of chronicle is David’s reign in Jerusalem.

One motivational verse of this book is found in 1 Chronicles 4: 9, 10. “Jabez was more honourable then his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez saying, I gave birth to him in pain. Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory; let your hand be with me and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain. And God granted his request”. There are people who are being forsaken by their parents or dear ones. This verse proves us that when you depend on God and ask him to be your blessing, he will grant your request. “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me” – Psalm 27:10.

Through 1 Chronicles we get the history of the Jewish nation. Through this nation our Lord came to the earth. God chose this people for the fulfilment of his great promises and purposes. He is still their God (Romans 11:1) and he has his purposes yet to be fulfilled in them. This nation is still important to God and Christ’s second coming is based on the prophecies fulfilled through Israel.
This is the best time for the believers to build their faith in Christ by referring the word and analyse things happening around the world (Ezekiel). May the Spirit of God guide you in his word to know more about him and the end times to live a faithful, holy life.

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