Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Glory to Deportation – 2 Chronicles

The second book of Chronicles includes Solomon’s 40 year reign, building the Temple and his glory, and then Judah’s history of the exile, focusing on the second kingdom, and division of the kingdom, the 20 kings of Judah and their deportation to Babylon.

In this book the first 9 chapters shows us about Solomon and the Temple. From chapter 10 to 36 we see the kings of Judah and in Chapter 36, the last days of Judah.

Some revivals are seen under the kings and they are
·         Asa (2 Chronicles 15)
·         Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20)
·         Joash (2 Chronicles 23, 24)
·         Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 29 – 31)
·         Josiah (2 Chronicles 35).

There is a constant theme that appears throughout this book. When individuals made seeking and pleasing God a top priority in their lives, they received blessings in this life, as well as promises of a glorious future. The opposite is also true. Those who rejected God and his commandments brought adversity, hardship and suffering on themselves in the long run and earned the penalty of death.

If you are new to the word of God and if you think God is a gracious God who forgives every one, you need to read this book more times. The chosen ones, Israel were punished because of their disobedience. We can learn from this book some good qualities some kings of Judah were praised for.
·         Put God first
·         Do God’s will in your life
·         Give God’s will the precedence above your own
·         Avoid pride and arrogance

God forgives everyone who comes to him and asks for it. He is not a God who forgives everyone who in living in sin. Only the ones who confess the sin is forgiven and saved.

May you continue to seek God and his will by reading His word and be blessed in life.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9)

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