Saturday, June 30, 2018

Compassionate as Jesus

The breaking news in the southernmost part of India - a complaint came against 5 priests on physically abusing a woman who came for confession. Of course, there are certain denominations in Christianity where priests won’t marry, and sadly complaints like this come against them around the world. I was hearing the head of that church questioning the victim’s character and giving a list of people who had physical relationship with her. Soon a visual scene came into my mind on John 8:1-11, where the teachers of law and some Pharisees bringing a woman caught in adultery in front of Jesus.

A servant of God should be compassionate to these victims and motivate them to go ahead in life. But here is a man of God openly complaining against a victim who got abused by his colleagues. The primary character you should have when you are planning to serve God, is to have compassion. Since the Holy God had compassion on the sinful people, he sent his only son to die for the sins of the world (John 3:16).

With the money power the church is going to win the case by influencing even the victim.  In Mark 5: 21-43, we see Jesus showing his compassion on a synagogue leader’s daughter and a poor lady who had a sickness of bleeding. There is no difference between a rich and poor in the ministry or Church. A true man of God will have the same love and compassion to the needy rich and poor. 

In 2 Corinthians 8, we see how the Macedonian churches showed generosity. They compared themselves with Jesus, who even being rich became poor for our sake (2 Corinthians 8: 9).

For a man or woman who is in deep trouble, Lord shows compassion and his love (Lamentation 3:32). Same attitude should be there for a servant of God towards the people in need. It is the duty of the men of God to comfort and encourage the needy or a victim.

Let the men analyse themselves whether they came to do ministry or whether they were called by God to do the ministry. When we are called by God to do ministry, we will have the character of Jesus and fruits of the Spirit and will be careful in all our deeds. As King David sinned and confessed (Psalm 51), we will be bold enough to confess the mistake, because we know we are answerable to the God who created the Heavens and Earth and we are not sent to destroy the world, but to get the world for Jesus.

Praying God will cast out all the men who take the word for their selfish needs. Let the Spirit guide and lead the servants of God to be compassionate as Jesus and win the world for Christ.

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