Saturday, June 10, 2017

The BOOK – Kingdom Torn

From 1 Kings 11, the second period of King Solomon, we see serious trouble. Taxes under Solomon’s reign had weighed the people down. Luxury and idolatry had broken down their morale. Prosperity of money meant increased taxation, which grew into burdens that were unbearable and that bred the seeds of unrest and revolution. 

When Solomon’s son Rehoboam, threatened to levy heavier burdens upon the people, his unwise headstrong action added fuel to a fire that had already been gathering and burning. The revolt of the 10 tribes immediately followed (1 Kings 12:16), though the tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained loyal (1 Kings 12:17). This tension led to the appointment of Jeroboam as King of the northern section (1 Kings 12:20).

The Kingdom was divided and the judgement was upon Solomon for his long years of luxury and pride and power. 

Jeroboam, the ruler of the Northern Kingdom, Israel, made Shechem his capital. It seemed the natural place because it was in the center of the land. It was a custom, according to the law, to go up to Jerusalem regularly to worship (Deuteronomy 12:11,14). Jeroboam was afraid to have his 10 tribe’s journey to Jerusalem, the capital of Rehoboam’s kingdom, to worship God. So he made 2 golden calves and placed them in convenient spots – Bethel and Dan, so that the people would not have to go to Jerusalem. More than 20 times, it is written he caused Israel to sin. 

After 200 years, the people were carried into captivity by the King of Assyria in 722 BC (2 Kings 17). Many of God’s prophets had warned Israel of captivity, but they did not turn from their idolatry to Jehovah.

Things do not happen by accident. There is a cause at the root of every revolution. The event may come as suddenly as an explosion, or as the eruption of a volcano, but somewhere secret causes were at work undermining the structure. When you continue in secret sin against God, things may seem fine as nobody bothers, until suddenly God walks out your life. We should be very careful the way we live. The devil always roams around us to catch us into its arms. Praying that we should be extra careful in the way we live, things we talk and the time we spend alone so that through our actions our Gods name will be glorified, Amen.

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