Friday, June 16, 2017

The BOOK – The Captivity

In 2 Kings, we see continuous war between the Southern Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom. 2Kings 13-35, we see 80 years of continuous war, but these wars failed. After that there was peace because of the marriage of the son of Jehoshaphat (Southern king) and the daughter of Ahab (Northern king). 

In the southern kingdom, there was only one dynasty – Davidic from King Rehoboam to Zedekiah. The great prophets of those days were Nathan, Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah, Joel and Zephaniah. About 136 years after the Northern kingdom had been taken into captivity by Assyria, the southern kingdom was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. Jerusalem was destroyed and the temple was burned. 

The history of the Jews is a record of God’s dealings with disobedient children. The moving figures and powerful factors of those days were the prophets Elijah and Elisha. 

Elijah was a bolt of fire God let loose upon wicked Ahab and idolatrous Israel. Jehovah sent him to do away with the awful worship of Baal during the reign of Ahab who had married the wicked foreign princess, Jezebel. Suddenly emerging from the desert and standing before the corrupt king in the splendour of his court, the stern prophet boldly said, “As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except my word” (1Kings 17:1). He was given power to shut up the heavens so there would be no rain for three and a half years. He called down fire from heaven before the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel. 

Elisha succeed Elijah. Elijah trained Elisha as his successor. Elisha’s ministry lasted 50 years and most of his miracles were deeds of kindness and mercy. Elisha had a great influence upon the kings of the day, and although he did not approve of what they did, he was always coming to their rescue.
There is a great difference between the fall of Israel and Judah. Israel was scattered throughout the nations for an indefinite period, but God specified the length of Judah’s captivity to 70 years. Judah was to return to Jerusalem, which they did later. The messiah was to come out of Judah and God was preparing the way for him to come there and not to Babylon or Assyria. God was using even the rulers of foreign nations to work out his plan.

God will have plans for everyone. But it the decision we take which leads us to go forward in our life to fulfill his plans. When we move away from him, he will punish us with the rod and lead us to his way. Praying that you will understand God’s will in your life and live accordingly. Amen.

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