Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The BOOK – Chronicles

Through the book of Chronicles we get the history of the Jewish nation. It begins with Adam and goes through the genealogy of Israel. It continues through all the 12 tribes of Israel. Through this nation our Lord came to earth. God chose this people for the fulfilment of his great promises and purposes. He is still their God (Romans 11:1) and he has his purposes yet to be fulfilled in them. 1 Chronicles ends with Solomon reigning as the King of Israel.

In second Chronicles, we see great revivals

  • ·         Asa – 2 Chronicles 15
  • ·         Jehoshaphat – 2 Chronicles 20
  • ·         Joash – 2 Chronicles 23-24
  • ·         Hezekiah – 2 Chronicles 29-31
  • ·         Josiah – 2 Chronicles 35
2 Chronicles begins with the reign of King Solomon and goes on with the split of Israel into two kingdoms and ends up with the beginning of Babylonian captivity. Jesus Christ is portrayed as King in the books of Kings and Chronicles.

These books are a revision of the previous books. Hope this will encourage you and revise how God will lead you when you are chosen.

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