Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Self Control

Self-control is one of the important character or fruit a believer in Christ should have. You might always compare yourself with others or you may get excited or get depressed very often. You need self-control to know that you are a child of God and you are dealing with the Job God gave you very carefully.

Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control” – Proverbs 25:28.

               When you lose your thought that you are under the control of Christ, or you are guided by the Holy Spirit, devil will enter into your soul and take control. So scripture warns about the destruction which might not only occur to you, but to others through your lack of control.

               When evil people comes against you, to provoke you, just understand that you are in this world not to entertain them, but to lead a life which bring glory only to Christ, even though they talks bad on you. The toughest thing is when you live for Christ, and when people provoke you that you are the cause of every problem, don’t lose hope. Even though no one may know you, even though no one will see how you are fighting with the flesh, the God who created you and died for you knows your heart. Just think about that and be in control. There is no point in any argument with any one regarding scriptures or the belief in God. When you lead a holy life, even though you may not see the mighty victory, you will get a mighty peace inside your heart that is being given by the Holy Spirit.

               As you know self-control is a fruit of Holy Spirit and to achieve it perfectly, ask father to fill you with his Spirit in Christ’s name. When the anointing comes into your life, you will be a new person, separated from the evil world, guided by the self-control given by the Holy Spirit.

               There are high things to be done by a believer than to argue or quarrel with worldly people. You need to meditate on the scriptures, go to the needy and preach the good news, pray for the needy and be a witness for Christ. May the Almighty enable you to have the fruit of self-control and be a witness for Jesus Christ.

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life; You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you.” – 1 Thessalonians 4: 11.

                                                                                                                                 Blogged on June 2013 

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