Sunday, February 20, 2022

Carry The Cross


There is a misconception in the world that when a person submits his life to Christ, his problems in life ends. After that no problem will come to his life, he will prosper in all way of life. Because of this misconception, lots of people are questioning when there are asked to follow God. Well, I don’t find anywhere in Bible telling the person who follows Christ will have a luxuries or a problem free life. Instead I know the scripture that tells, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me– Mathew 16: 24

We can find Job a faithful servant of God being tested by Satan. He was tortured to the most that even his wife told him to leave God and die. These scriptures will tell us that you will be constantly tested in your life. But Job, the faithful servant did not go away from God, but had patience to see Gods way opened to him.

You can find the Disciples of Christ, how they were tortured when they preached the Gospel to the world. As a person who gets converted to Christ, might feel very good when their prayers will be answered instantly. But as you grow up in Christ, you will be tested; your faith will be tested to see whether you are loyal to God.

When you are tested, if you are in Christ, you will find a peace in your heart in the midst of all struggles. You will know that in all the problems God will make a way for you. Yes, with that promise, I urge you to be faithful, strong and ask Holy Spirit to lead you in the correct direction.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world– John 16: 33

Blogged on 2013

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