Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Feast of The Presentation of our Lord

Today we think and meditate upon the Feast of Presentation of Our Lord in Jerusalem. According to the Law of Moses, every first male Israelite should be designated as holy to the Lord. So when Jesus was a child itself, His parents brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (Luke 2: 22-40). According to the law, they need to offer a sacrifice and so they did the sacrifice, a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons. At that time a righteous and a devout man of God Simeon, filled with the Spirit of God took child Jesus and praised God.

Throughout his whole life, he was looking forward to the consolation of Israel and a deliverer and at the right moment Spirit of God showed him Jesus. He praised God for showing him the deliverer of this world. He told Joseph and Mary about the plans of God regarding Jesus. He told them that Jesus is the savior of this world and He is going to deliver the world from sin by offering himself as a sacrifice. Soon after that a servant of God Anna, who also was fasting and praying for the savior praised God for the deliverer.

Yes, Jesus came to deliver everyone. Israelites think he come to deliver them from their enemies. But Jesus came to deliver everyone from their sins. He had the same flesh and blood as everyone. He knew how it is to be rejected, humiliated, bullied, and even getting cheated. But in all, He remained sinless because He was called to be a sacrifice for our sins.

Finally He became a sacrifice for our sins. He died on the cross for the sins we did against God for us to be free from the punishment.

Salvation or deliverance is free and it’s a grace of God. But you need to do only one thing. Repent your sins and accept Jesus Christ’s salvation in your heart. There is no need to climb any hill or carry the cross in shoulders or light a candle. Just be where you are and confess your sins before God in your heart and accept Christ’s salvation. You are free. Once you accept Christ, He tells us not to sin anymore. Yes, try not sinning anymore.

May The Lord reveal you Jesus through His word as He revealed Jesus to Simeon and Anna, and may you freely give the salvation message to the needy, in Jesus name  

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