Sunday, April 26, 2020

Repent and Call

As the world is going through lockdown to stop the spread of Covid19, Repent is the word that is often mentioned by religious and spiritual leaders.

Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus tells about the salvation through Christ. In 1 Peter 1, he testifies that God saved his children not through any gold or silver, but by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. So if anyone wants to know God, it can be only through Jesus because he is the only mediator between men and God. Once when you start accepting Jesus Christ as your saviour, you are born again and your faith and hope will be in God rather than any man/woman on the world.

When you are born again, Christ will live in your life. Without your knowledge he will guide you, teach you and help you in all your deeds through His Spirit. It does not mean that you will not have sorrows or distress in life. But when these problems come, you will call upon the Lord who saved you with salvation (Psalm 116).

As mentioned above, salvation is been provided through the blood of Christ Jesus. You cannot be close with God without salvation.

Getting saved is a very easy process. But many fail in that. People believe that if they have a Christian name, they are saved. Sorry, they are not.

How much sinner you are, other than you and God, no one knows. So according to Acts 2, Peter tells to the people to repent upon their sins to God, not man. Repent and accept the fact that Jesus died for these sins you have done, and through accepting Jesus as your personal saviour, you are saved, your sins are forgiven and forgotten by God.

May The Lord help you who read this to take this bold step to repent and accept Christ as their saviour and be saved and have a blessed life in Jesus name.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

UnExpected Peace

After Jesus was crucified and one of his disciples, Judas hanged himself, the other disciples got scared of public and they tried to hide themselves from the world. They met behind locked doors. They feared of their life and public embarrassment. But in the midst of this the resurrected Jesus showed up with the wounds and told them peace be with you. He showed up his wounds to them and once again told them peace be with you. Even after seeing Jesus the disciples feared to go outside. Eight days later when Apostle Thomas was there with the disciples, Jesus showed up once again and told them peace be with them. He also breathed on them to receive the Holy Spirit (John 20: 19-31)

In this world, a faithful believer of Christ will go through trials and temptations. In 1 Peter 1 the disciple says a born again believer will live with great expectation and inheritance that’s kept in heaven. So believer’s focus will be on the inheritance in heaven. A faithful believer is tested as fire tests and purify gold. God tells the faith of a faithful believer is more precious than gold.

When you go through trials, your faith and hope in God is projected and exposed. When a believer’s faith overpowers his situation, the unexpected peace of Jesus will fill his soul and mind. As the disciples were frightened and then experienced the peace in Jesus, you will be filled with the peace, one of the fruits of Holy Spirit, our comforter.

Urging you to keep faith and hope that God holds your tomorrow and always expect peace and miracles from God as you read and meditate His word every day.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday - Holy Week

Today, Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the Holy Week. This week the believers should be meditating and thinking about the humble nature of Christ, who left the Heavenly place and came to earth, lived a poor life and died on the cross for our sins.

The Holy week starts with Palm Sunday (Mathew 21: 1-11), with Jesus entering Jerusalem in a donkey. Usually Kings will travel in horse, but Jesus, even though being the King of Kings; he humbled most and came in a donkey. People were praising him, some placing their cloaks on road and others cut branches from trees and spread on the road.

Jesus did not considered equality with God, but humbled himself by taking nature of a servant and came to humans. This week is considered as Holy one, because this week Jesus was crucified and because of His crucifixion, the ones who believe in him are free from their sins (Philippians 2)

Some people fast and pray this week to show their humbleness towards God and His love.

At this time, it is very important to know about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Why, because when Jesus ascended to Heaven, He gave us the Holy Spirit as our comforter and we should obey the Spirit to live a life pleasing to God.

Speaking in tongues is one gift of the Spirit. Some people consider only this gift and without any botheration join together and pray. Knowledge and Wisdom are also gifts of the Spirit. At this point of a time where social distancing is much needed, everyone should use that knowledge and wisdom and isolate themselves and pray to God and meditate upon the humility of Christ.

When you look at the fruits of Holy Spirit, self-control is one among them. Whatever gifts you possess, if you are not having this self-control, you are going to be a curse to the people and the world, where you are to be a blessing.

When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” – Mathew 6:6

In these days of lockdown, it is better to be isolated and be in the presence of God this Holy week. Last 2 months was very horrible throughout the world, and even though many countries declared social distancing, some irresponsible uncontrolled people broke everything and because of them the virus got spread to a large extent.

May The Lord help fill you with His fruits and gifts as you read and meditate His word this week to stay Holy and safe and be a blessing to everyone.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Remain Faithful

There are times in your life when you go through tough situations and you might not see your prayers getting answered. This is the situation around the world now. Believers are praying and the total number of covid19 cases and deaths are increasing. At this time the atheists are making fun of believers about the presence of God

In the Gospel of John, it mentions if you remain faithful to the teachings of Christ, you will know the truth. There will be tough times in life, to change your life, not the situation. Sometimes the toughest situation which you go through may not change, but in trusting God and remaining faithful to him, changes your life.  The truth shall set you free (John 8:31-42). There are people who do sin and does bad against the people of God. When the child of God pray to stop these problems, the problems might not stop, the evil people might not stop evil, but the child of God will see the glory of God in his life. The peace God that is provided in a bad situation is more than the situation.

In the book of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar gave an order to everyone to bow down before a statue. But 3 children of God did not obey (Daniel 3: 14-28). Nebuchadnezzar told them he will put them into a blazing furnace if they don’t. They told him, if he throws them into the blazing furnace, the God whom they serve is able to deliver them from it. But if not, still they will bow down to the true God. That is powerful faith that the 3 men had even after knowing that they might die. But God protected them.

Always remember that we are not in this world to enjoy it, but to enjoy God and His presence. When tough things like this comes in life, obey the laws of the land, keep your faith in God, strengthen your hope, enlighten your understanding and increase your faith.

May The Lord help you to stay calm, obey the laws of land, stay home, keep faith and stay strong in Jesus name