Sunday, March 1, 2020

An Ambassador

Once I met a family who use to pray very loudly about 30 min in the morning. Whenever they see us, they use to talk with biblical references. But after everything, I saw them doing fraud in the water and electricity bills. These are people who claim themselves as Christians. The great Mahatma Gandhi mentions he like Jesus Christ, but he hates Christians. Why? Because most of the Christians are hypocrites.

As the Christians around the world are following lent days, some believers do fasting, some full fasts, while others, Daniel fasting. All these people do this to show their submission to God for the sacrifice Jesus did on the cross.

These days you can find hypocrites who show off too much spiritually. They go to church every day, won’t eat non vegetarian food and won’t speak bad words. But once that 40 day mark comes, on Easter, they will be drunk in another world.

In Mathew 6, Jesus is telling not to be like a hypocrite. Whatever help or good you do, don’t let your left hand know what right hand does. Help other in private and don’t boast about it. Now days, people help others and post a photo about it in Instagram and share it in Facebook. Do these things in private and the Lord will reward you for it. 

Jesus teaches about prayer. Don’t pray in a manner everyone notices you, but pray alone in private and your father in heaven will reward you (Mathew 6). Same way when you fast don’t try to tell everyone that you are fasting. Be like any other day, comb your hair properly, take bath and be clean. Try some chewing gum so that your breath won’t smell bad as you are fasting. The fasting, the sacrifice you are doing is between you and God. It is not to show to everyone.

When you follow Christ, you are his ambassador. So in everything you do, show that you are true ministers of God. Don’t be a false prophet. When troubles come, patiently endure it. Even in hard times, faithfully preach the truth. The God who sees your heart will be proud of you. (2 Corinthians 5).

If you don’t know who Jesus is, just understand that you and I are sinners. Jesus paid for our sins by sacrificing himself on the cross, so that whosoever believes him will be saved. These days’ people around the world are meditating about this sacrifice of Jesus. If you are not free, repent your sins, ask God to forgive, accept Jesus Christ as your saviour and follow him. No matter what your name, religion is, you are free from bondages and you are a child of God. Read His word and faithfully obey it.

Be an Ambassador of Jesus Christ, not a hypocrite.

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