Friday, March 13, 2020

By Faith

There are people who does lot of physical activities to see God’s glory in their life. Some carry cross and walk certain distance, or some mountain, some light candles in front of cross, some donate to the poor and to the church, some gets involve in church activities. As the lent days are going by, some won’t eat non veg foods. Well, fasting is good for you physically, but not to see the glory of God in your life.

To see the glory of God, or the Kingdom of God, you need to be saved; you need to be born again. Now, this is confusing. Yes, you are in this world born of a father and mother. In the Bible Jesus teaches to Nicodemus, a Jewish leader to be born again to see the kingdom of God. Born again means you need to be born of water and the Spirit. (John 3)

I have seen people who got baptized, living a confused life. They just had a dip in water to give an addition to the preachers baptism count.

Judas is a person who was a disciple of Jesus. He walked with Jesus, talked with him, ate with him, but never had Jesus in his heart. Same way, after Jesus’s resurrection, there were people who saw him, heard his teaching, but never believed him. So being born again, or salvation does happen to a person spiritually, inside him.

Salvation is simple. The one who believes in faith that Jesus is their saviour is saved. Saviour means, the son of God who came to earth as human, obeyed the laws, did no sin, but took all your sins upon him and got the punishment for the sins you have done, to make you free from that sin and save you from the eternal punishment. So salvation happens in your faith, belief and the way you think about your life and Jesus, not by any other means.

In the Old Testament God gave law to his people through Moses. But in the New Testament God gave Jesus to us, so that even if you try to obey all the law, to see the Kingdom of God, you need to accept Jesus Christ as your saviour, who saved you from all the punishments. God’s faithful servant Abraham was called to be the father of God’s chosen children not by his obedience of law, but by his faith in God. (Romans 4)

When troubles and problems hit your life, this faith is needed to overcome the situation. For healing, this faith is needed. For any miracle, this faith is needed. The devils always try to test your faith. To overcome that, you need to constantly read and meditate upon the word of God. God provides you encouragement and motivate you to stay in faith and see His wonders.

Let The Lord who created you, be your first priority and build your faith and may you testify – My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth (Psalms 121)

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